Showing posts with label Henry Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Ford. Show all posts

Feb 25, 2012

Steve Jobs Henry Ford

Phones started as all black.
Then they went crazy with color, shape, and size.

Where we are now.

It is difficult to stand out from the pack these days.
We have devolved into a pack of phone drones.
There is no difference in shape or style.
Steve Jobs has taken over as the new Henry Ford.

Next will we all be wearing black as the clothing color of choice?
Oops, women already are.
At least there is a variety of size and shape.

Cars started as all black.
Then they went crazy with color, shape, and chrome.
Then they began to all look alike, with color as the only differentiator.
Now they come in many sizes, shapes, and colors.

PCs started as all gray.
Then they went crazy with color, shape, and size.
Then they morphed into tablets, which all look alike.

Why have PCs and phones become clones?

It seems to me the last time we came out of a depression things changed.
I hope it happens again when we come out of this one.
It is time for a change.