Mar 16, 2013

Texas Trivia

The Republic of Texas was an independent sovereign nation in North America, which existed after gaining independence from Mexico March 2, 1836 and lasted until February 19, 1846. It was bordered by the nation of Mexico to the southwest, the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast, the two US states of Louisiana and Arkansas to the east and northeast, and the United States territories encompassing the current US states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico to the north and west.

In 1839, Texas became the first nation in the world to enact a homestead exemption under which a person's primary residence could not be seized by creditors.

On March 1, 1845, US President John Tyler signed a bill that would authorize the United States to annex the Republic of Texas on December 29, 1845. On October 13, 1845, a large majority of voters in the Republic approved both the American offer and the proposed constitution. As part of the Compromise of 1850 Texas dropped claims to territory which included parts of present-day Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Wyoming. On February 19, 1846, power was permanently transferred from the Republic of Texas to the State of Texas.

John Tyler, born in 1790, has two living grandsons: Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr., born in 1924, and Harrison Ruffin Tyler, born in 1928. He also fathered 15 children, more than any president in history. Thanks to Mike McCormick for the trivia addition.

The compromise also stated that up to four additional states could be created from Texas' territory with the consent of the State of Texas. In addition, Texas did not have to surrender its public lands to the federal government. It did not cede any public lands within its current boundaries. The land in Texas owned by the federal government was subsequently purchased by it. This means Texas has control over oil reserves and control over offshore oil reserves that run out to 9 nautical miles.

Benefits of Peanut Butter

According to the US National Peanut Board, the average American eats about three pounds of peanut butter each year. Peanut butter is a great source of unsaturated fats and vegetarian protein. Over 80 percent of the fats found in peanut butter are unsaturated, with 50 percent being monounsaturated fats that can help cut bad cholesterol (LDL).

Peanuts contain B vitamins, potassium, and resveratrol a powerful antioxidant known to have cancer fighting properties. Check the amount of carbohydrates on the nutrition label, because less fat sometimes comes with not-so-healthy trade-offs, such as added salt and sugar. Instead of that PB&J, spread some peanut butter on apple slices for a great taste and fiber boost.

Novel Uses for Sugar

Healers in Africa have been putting crushed sugar cane on wounds for generations. Moses Murandu is a nurse who grew up watching his father use the remedy in Africa and was surprised to find that doctors in England didn't use it. He started a study to research the idea and tested it on patients with bed sores, leg ulcers, and amputations before dressing the wounds. They found that sugar can reduce pain and kill bacteria that slow healing. Sugar is hygroscopic, meaning it naturally absorbs water, which bacteria needs to survive. Sugar is also much cheaper than modern antibiotics. The next time you cut yourself, give it a sprinkle of sugar before putting on a band-aid.

Ten Interesting Facts About Humans

  • People with higher number of moles tend to live longer than people with fewer moles.
  • When filming summer scenes in winter, actors suck on ice cubes just before the camera rolls. It cools their mouths so their breath doesn't condense in the cold air.
  • Thinking about your muscles can actually make you stronger.
  • Grapefruit scent will make middle aged women appear six years younger to men. The perception is not reciprocal and has no effect on women’s perception.
  • The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
  • The colder the room you sleep in, the better the chances are that you will have a bad dream.
  • There are more people alive today than have ever died.
  • Women’s hair is about half the diameter of men’s hair.
  • Women blink twice as many times as men do.
  • The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.
  • Mar 12, 2013

    Wordology, Mondegreen

    Mistakes due to mishearing or misunderstanding, are called mondegreens. Most people have at one time or another inadvertently made a mondegreen when singing songs without knowing the correct lyrics. American writer Sylvia Wright coined the term in her essay "The Death of Lady Mondegreen," published in Harper's Magazine in 1954. She got the idea from a poem she misquoted when a child.

    "Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands,
     Oh, where hae ye been?
     They hae slain the Earl O' Moray,
     And Lady Mondegreen."  The actual fourth line is "And laid him on the green".

    Here is an example: ‘Scuse me while I kiss this guy (from a lyric in the song “Purple Haze”, by Jimi Hendrix: “‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky”). The title of the animated Christmas show "Olive, the Other Reindeer", is a mondegreen on "all of the other reindeer", a line from the classic Christmas song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

    Nose Facts

    Did you know we all have four nostrils? We have two you can see, two you can’t. This discovery came from watching how fish breathe. Fish get their oxygen from water, most of them have two pair of nostrils, a forward facing set for letting water in and two for letting water out.

    Our other two nostrils, migrated toward the back of the head, to become internal nostrils called ‘choannae’ – Greek for ‘funnels’. They connect to the throat and allow us to breathe through our noses.

    Wrong Way Corrigan

    We have all seen football players running the wrong way on the field, and some announcer will refer to the unfortunate player as Wrong Way Corrigan.

    The original ‘Wrong Way’ was not a football player; he was Douglas Corrigan, unemployed airplane mechanic. It was on a foggy day in 1938, that Douglas left Floyd Bennett Field in New York, supposedly headed for Los Angeles. He landed his monoplane about 28 hours later in Ireland at Dublin’s Baldonnel Field. He had originally been denied a flight plan to Ireland and some think he did it on purpose, because he was of Irish descent.

    Corrigan made the 3,150-mile flight without benefit of a radio or navigational equipment other than a compass. His explanation for the monumental mistake was that he was following the wrong end of the compass needle.

    He was welcomed home as a hero with a ticker tape parade and known became Wrong Way Corrigan.

    Wordology, Sport

    Speaking of sports, the word sport was formed as an abbreviated form of disport. It first appears in a Middle English romance called Ipomadon in about 1440, 150 years before Shakespeare.

    Disport derives from Anglo Norman desporter "to carry away" or, metaphorically, "to divert, entertain", formed from des "apart" and porter "carry". The word originally referred to "amusement". It did not gain its modern use until the 19th century.

    Mar 8, 2013

    Where Water Does Not Mix

    There is a place in the Gulf of Alaska where two oceans meet but do not mix. Fresh water glaciers melted and flowed to join the ocean water, but because of the difference in the salinity and densities of these two water bodies, a surface tension developed between them that acts like a thin wall which prevents them from mixing. The boundary between the two is outlined by a thin layer of foam.

    According to scientists, given enough time, the differences between these two bodies will disappear and they will merge together.

    Bugs and Pain

    Bugs may be a pain to us, but they feel no pain. Pain is officially defined as, "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage". It is experienced differently by each person and organism. Because of this it is extremely difficult to describe just how an animal experiences pain.

    To study how an animal experiences pain, argument-by-analogy is applied. This means if the animal reacts in a similar way to how we would, we believe they are experiencing pain. An example might be if a dog is pricked with a pin and runs away, as a human would.

    Insects have no capacity to feel pain. Nociceptors are what carry the feeling of pain to the brain. These are essential to experience pain, yet insects and crustaceans have never been found to have any nociceptors. This means most of these animals are unable to feel any sort of pain. Most insects do not possess nociceptors. I knew when I squished them they were not yelling.

    Enlightening Idea

    A multicolored interactive night light that comes with removable glow balls. The Glo Nightlight's balls will glow for 30 minutes, fading out while changing color. If you place the balls back to its place, they will start glowing again. The base is designed to charge the balls and they will not get warm or break.

    It has three stems each holding a glowing ball. The base charges the balls up so at night, you can remove them and place them anywhere a little light is needed. It is 8.2 x 8.5 x 9.8-inch, made of BPA-free, Phthalate-free, PVC-free and includes a 9v power adapter and the low energy LED base. Cost is about $80 on the web.

    Wordology, Buttload

    A buttload is a real unit of measurement or unit of volume that is used for wines, ales, ciders, and other alcoholic beverages.

    A butt is defined to be 2 hogsheads, which in the US is 63 gallons, so a butt is 126 gallons. A hogshead (corruption of the word oxhead) traditionally was two barrels and a hogshead of beer or ale is 54 gallons.

    This has no relation to boatload, which is "the cargo that a vessel carries or is capable of carrying". A boatload might be about 54,107,280 gallons. It should also not be confused with butt that is a target for practicing archery, a part of the anatomy, or any other of the many definitions for butt.

    Obsidian Knives for Surgery

    Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that has an extremely sharp edge when filed down. Some of the finest examples of blades made out of obsidian were discovered in Mesoamerica over 2,500 years ago. Dr. Don Crabtree re-discovered the ancient technology about twelve years ago, and along with other surgeons, believes there might be a place for obsidian blades in current medicine. Blades produced by Dr. Crabtree have been used in experimental microsurgery with excellent results.

    The prismatic glass blade is infinitely sharper than a honed steel edge, and these blades can be produced in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. When used in experimental surgeries on animals, the blades yield comparable and even better healing than cuts made with traditional scalpels.

    Why Milk is White

    Milk is 87% water and 13% solids. It consists of about 5 percent lactose, 3.7 percent fats and 3.5 percent proteins. Casein is the most common protein and makes up about 80% of the proteins in milk. Also, casein's molecular structure is very similar to that of gluten. This is why many gluten free diets also are casein-free. It is the combination of casein and fats that give milk its color.

    The color white results from all the wavelengths of visible light being reflected into the eye. Casein and certain fats reflect wide ranges of wavelengths, causing milk to appear white. Fat free milk appears a bit bluish due to reduction of fats reflecting light.

    The pasteurization process that kills microorganisms in milk, also destroys the Vitamin C content, as well as significantly diminishes various other health benefits of milk.

    Mar 6, 2013

    Frozen and Canned Fruit

    Have you ever wondered if the benefits of frozen or canned fruit are equal to fresh fruit?

    Frozen fruit can be equal, or even nutritionally superior to fresh fruits. As a general rule, fruits are at their nutritious best when they are left on the vine for the longest possible time, so ideally we pick and eat them right away when they are at their ripest. When you buy whole fruits that are not in season, chances are they were harvested before they were fully ripe and left to ripen off the stem on their way to the market. Frozen fruits have the advantage of staying on the stem longer and freezing them at their peak locks in their nutrients.

    Canned fruits, like frozen are usually harvested when they are fully ripe and very nutritious. It is important to check how the fruit was prepared and packed. Some canned fruits are packed in sugary heavy syrup and adding sugary calories. Fortunately canned fruit comes in several varieties, including light syrup and the best is packed in its own juice.

    Stainless Steel

    Next time you enjoy your dinner with a rust-free fork remember to thank 20th century arms manufacturers for hiring Harry Brearly, an English metallurgist, to develop a non rusty gun barrel.

    Shortly after testing his creation on various corrosives, one of which was lemon juice, he realized that it would also be perfect for cutlery.

    National Potato Chip Day

    Next week, March 14 is National Potato Chip day for 2013. Flavors you might enjoy include: a pretty bizarre sampling of crisp flavors. Their latest flavor additions are Lincolnshire sausage and brown sauce, sour cream and spring onion, and Birmingham chicken balti.

    The brand of chips, which goes under the name Lay's in the United States, also produces crisp flavors: char-grilled steak, cheeseburger, steak and onion, smoky bacon, roast chicken, prawn cocktail, pickled onion, tomato ketchup, BBQ rib, Worcester sauce, cheddar cheese and bacon, sweet chili chicken, and flame grilled steak. Also, Cajun herb and spice, Chile Limon, chipotle ranch, classic BLT, dill pickle, garden tomato and basil, sweet southern heat barbecue, tangy Carolina, Parmesan and Tuscan herb, southwestern ranch, creamy Mediterranean herb, spice rubbed BBQ, Maui onion, jalapeno, mesquite BBQ, and spicy cayenne and cheese. 

    Beer Chips company boasts potato chips made with beer. According to, that same company is responsible for the Chip Shots: Margarita and Salt Potato Chips.

    A company named Route 11 in Virginia produces some sea-inspired chips. An account is set up on Amazon where crab and chip lovers can unite and purchase Chesapeake Crab Potato Chips.

    My Two Favorite Foods Combined

    Two of nature's most perfect foods combined into one. Hard to believe it took this long to come up with this treat for the ages.

    Bacon flavored potato chips. It makes for a Happy Friday!

    Mar 1, 2013

    Wordology, Ossicone

    Ossicones are the nubs that stick out on the heads of Giraffes and male Okapi. They remain covered in skin and fur and are never shed, unlike other antlers and horns. Ossicones consist of cartilage that has turned to bone. In a young animal, ossicones are porous, with clusters of bony tissue interrupted by blood vessels and folded skin. As the animal ages its ossicones grow denser and more compact.

    Both male and female giraffes have a pair of these hair-covered horns, but males use these to roughhouse with each other as they are growing up. As males mature, other calcium deposits can form near these horns, making it appear they have up to five horns.

    Tech and Food

    Not sure how practical, but interesting to see. These are real products and great for those working lunches.

    Split keyboard and plate.

    Noodles and Phone

    Phone and Coffee to go

    Hey, is that a banana in your ear? Banana handset for phone

    Tiger Facts

    The final Bali tiger is thought to have been seen back in 1937, the last-remaining Caspian tiger was found in the 1950s, and the Javan tiger went extinct sometime in the 1980s. The six subspecies that have survived include: the Bengal tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Siberian tiger, and the South China tiger.

    Between 1998 and 2000, nearly twenty percent of the Sumatran tiger population was killed. The South China subspecies is also listed among the ten most endangered animals in the world. The Siberian tiger has recently been discovered as genetically identical with the extinct Caspian variety, meaning that human intervention over the past century is the only reason we ever thought they were different.

    Rosemary for Memory

    Scientists have found that aromas can profoundly affect people's cognitive abilities. In a 2003 study, psychologists asked 144 volunteers to perform a series of long-term memory, working memory, and attention and reaction tests. Some subjects worked in a scent-free cubicle, some in a cubicle infused with essential oil from rosemary, and the rest worked in cubicles scented with lavender oil.

    Those in the rosemary-infused cubicles demonstrated significantly better long-term and working memory than those in the unscented cubicles. Also, those exposed to the smell of rosemary reported feeling more alert than the control (scent-free) group.

    Participants working in the lavender cubicles reported feeling less alert and those in the lavender-scented cubicles performed worse than the others in tests of working memory.

    If you need your brain to perform at its best, you can try placing a rosemary plant on your windowsill. Research also shows that eating chocolate may improve memory and cognition, because it is rich in antioxidants called flavanols.

    Oil Imports

    The five countries that supply the most oil to the US (during 2011), in order, are Canada 133.8 million tonnes (sic), South America 111.2, Saudi Arabia 95.5, Nigeria Africa 68.3, and Mexico 59.8. Taken from a series of 36 maps that explain the world. LINK

    Feb 26, 2013

    Semi-Automatic Defined

    In a semi-automatic firearm, whether it’s a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, when the round is fired, the expanding gas from the cartridge launches the projectile and then opens the chamber, ejecting the spent cartridge and, if available, using a spring system to slide the next cartridge into place ready for the next trigger pull.

    The gun will not fire the next round and most guns are designed to prevent this from happening. This means one trigger pull for each shot.

    Drawing in 3D

    This is an actual drawing that looks incredibly 3D.

    Fascinating Aztec Facts

    The Westerners who came up with the name Aztecs likely took it from one of the original places that the Aztecs lived around the twelve century, called Aztlan, which was in the Northern part of Mexico. However, the Aztecs themselves actually referred to themselves as Mexica, which is actually where the name for the country of Mexico originally came from.

    The Aztecs had their own language called N’ahuatl. The alphabet for this language was a form of picture writing. Knowledge about how to write things down was very specialized and was mostly performed by learned scribes and priests who had the needed training.

    Records were kept on paper made of bark, or deer skin. The writing was usually performed using charcoal and then colored with vegetables and other substances. They kept tax records, historical records, records of religious sacrifices and other ceremonies and even poetry. Sometimes they put their writings together in a makeshift book that they called a codice.

    Aztec men were allowed to have more than one wife, however, there were certain strict rules governing these relationships. The first wife the man took was considered his “principal” wife, and was the only one he went through marriage ceremonies with. The other wives were secondary, but still recognized in the official records. While the first wife was considered the most important, the man was still expected to treat all of his wives with equal respect. The man was the head of the household, but women still had power in the relationship and were well treated in Aztec society. Extra wives contributed to the wealth of the family and were considered a mark of great status and afforded them a high position in the culture. The Aztecs allowed divorce in some situations, but adultery by either party was punishable by death.

    While the Aztecs put strong emphasis on parents teaching their children properly, they also had mandatory public schooling for all children. Those of a noble class had different schools to attend and schools were also separated by gender. Boys of nobility would be sent to the Calmecac School where they learned from the priests about history, astronomy, art, and how to govern and lead. Boys of lower caste were sent to the Cuicacalli School, which was much more focused on preparing them for possible service in the military as warriors. Girls were sent to separate schools and much more of their education was focused at home where they were taught domestic duties such as cooking and weaving.

    Finicky Finns

    Finnish tradition is to assess fines according to gross income. For years, this was based on the honor system. Finnish police would ask the person pulled over how much they made per year, consult a table, and fine them accordingly.

    The police hated it, because they were constantly lied to about how much people made. They recently developed new high-tech tools for calculating traffic fines and motorists began protesting and complaining about the prices. They thought it wasn't fair that they were charged on their gross income instead of their net income. So, in 1999 the government made major changes, including basing fines on net income.

    The biggest change was that the police can use their cell phones to tap into official public records and find out motorists’ income. The changes have allowed for fines to be more accurate, much to the dismay of the motorists.

    Free Stuff

    We all like something for nothing. Here is a site that gives you free stuff from dog food to baseball hats and everything in between.

    Feb 22, 2013

    Michigan Map Names

    University of Michigan alum go to great lengths to taunt their sports rivals. One particularly astute grad, state highway commission chairman Peter Fletcher memorialized his on Michigan’s official state map in 1978.

    He asked a cartographer to add two towns to nearby Ohio. Thus the fictitious towns of Goblu and Beatosu were created. The map can be seen on the official web site. It noted that after the hoax was discovered, new maps were issued, minus the bogus towns. A few collector item maps remain in the public and copies are also available in the official Michigan archives.

    Fletcher noted in a 2008 interview that he placed the fake towns in Ohio, safely outside Michigan state lines. “We have no legal liability for anything taking place in that intellectual swamp south of Monroe,” he said. He added that he had never forgiven Ohio for the Toledo War of 1835.

    Nobel and Noble Dates

    Next week Thursday marks an interesting date. It is the birthday of Mario Andretti, Bernadette Peters, Zero Mostel, Bubba Smith, Charles Durning, Tommy Tune, and Earl Scheib (I'll paint any car any color, etc.) among others.

    The two most common birth dates among the 555 Nobel laureates are May 21 and February 28 (seven apiece).

    Top Ten Benefits of Cinnamon

    Did you know cinnamon:

    • Can Lower Cholesterol - Studies have shown that 1/2 teaspoon  per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
    • Helps Regulate Blood Sugar - Several studies suggest that it may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
    • Helps with Yeast Infection - In some studies, it has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
    • Helps with Cancer Prevention - The U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland showed cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
    • Aids Anti-Clotting - It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
    • Provides Arthritis Relief - In a study at Copenhagen University, showed half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week.
    • Is Anti-Bacterial - When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage.
    • Aids Brain Health - One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
    • Fights E. Coli - Researchers found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.
    • Is High in Nutrients - It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

    Google Mirror

    Try typing the website into Internet Explorer or whatever browser you use. You can then choose from a number of other interesting options, such as underwater, gravity, pacman, etc.

    For another game, type "zerg rush" (with the quotes) into the Google search bar and watch.  Both are a  fun and interesting waste of time.

    Prescription Cigarettes

    Just when some states have begun to legalize marijuana, one state wants to un-legalize cigarettes.

    SALEM, OR (KPTV) - There is a new bill in the Oregon Legislature. Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance, meaning it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes without a doctor's prescription.

    Under the proposal, offenders would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both. This should be fun to watch.

    Internet and Devices

    This year there will be more mobile devices in the world than people, according to Cisco's annual report. At the same time, many of the world's population do not yet have Internet access.

    This year more people in the world will be getting Internet access for the first time.

    Today's Internet is out of space as it only planned for a maximum of 4 billion addresses. A brand new Internet opened in June 2012 after a decade of work. It is called Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Eventually, all the new devices and websites will only work on IPv6 and all the old ones will need to convert. IPV6 is able to handle in excess of 340 trillion addresses.

    Below is where you can test to see if your computer can connect. It takes a few seconds. Do not worry if you cannot connect, it will be at least more than five years before your equipment will be required to change. When you upgrade your equipment, it will be compatible. (you can test it here).

    Mice and Cheese Myth Debunked

    Mice do not really like cheese and they will even actively shy away from certain types of cheese.

    According to Dr. David Holmes of Manchester Metropolitan University who recently did a study on whether mice liked cheese or not, while hungry mice will pretty much eat anything (even cardboard), most types of mice strongly prefer grains, fruits, and sweet things. Certain types of mice will also eat insects and other small animals.

    Basically, they like to eat what they have been accustomed to eating since before humans started making cheese around 10,000 years ago.

    Many mice also like peanut butter and sweet chocolate. Interesting to know that mouse urine glows under florescent light.

    Feb 19, 2013

    Four Common Masculine and Feminine Words

    Fiancé vs. fiancée. The former is a male engaged to be married; the latter is a woman engaged to be married.

    Blonde refers to a woman with yellow hair and blond refers to a male with yellow hair.

    Brunet refers to a man’s hair color and brunette refers to a woman’s hair color.

    In education, female is professor emerita and male is professor emeritus.

    Feb 15, 2013

    Fingernail and Toenail Facts

    Fingernails grow about 3.5 mm per month and toenails grow about 1.6 mm per month on average. The exact rate at which your nails grow depends on several factors, such as age, sex, diet, exercise, etc. Nails also grow faster in summer when it is warmer. Fingernails can be seen on babies after the tenth week of pregnancy.

    Nails consist of many different parts. The visible part is known as the nail plate and below that is the nail bed. The white, half-moon shaped part at the base is called the lunula or distal matrix. The tissue over the top of the matrix is called the cuticle, and the soft tissue directly over the cuticle, is called the eponychium.

    Ninety percent of nail growth comes from the matrix. Pressure within the matrix forces dead karatinized cells out. Speed of growth is caused be blood supply and it seems the increased activity of our fingers vs. our toes causes more blood supply to our fingers which leads to faster growth.

    The longest fingernails ever recorded on a women belonged to Lee Redmond of Las Vegas. After growing for 30 years, they measured a combined length of 28 feet 4.5 inches. Unfortunately, she lost her fingernails in a car accident in February 2009.

    Clean trimmed nails are more noticeable to the beholder than the owner.

    Texas Sized Hoax

    During the oil boom of 1919, Wichita Falls, Texas, was desperate for office space. Developer J.D. McMahon offered to build a 480″ highrise downtown.

    Investors loved his offer and poured in the money. The building turned out to be four stories tall. The disgruntled investors double-checked the blueprints and discovered the problem. McMahon had promised a building 480 inches (40 feet) tall, not 480 feet. He delivered on his promise and by the time of their discovery, he was long gone with the rest of the money.

    Good Penmanship Saves Lives

    Poor penmanship is responsible for up to 61 percent of medication errors and more than 1.5 million patient injuries per year, according to a recent report from the National Academies of Sciences' Institute of Medicine.

    Electronic scripts go a long way in reducing these errors. Until all orders are electronic you might want to ask the doc to tell you the name and print it so you do not become a bad statistic.

    Laughter is Natural

    Laughing is extremely difficult to control consciously. Most people cannot laugh on command.

    Laughter almost always occurs during pauses at the end of phrases. It requires the coordination of many muscles throughout the body. A good hardy laugh is like a full body workout. It gives your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles a workout.

    If you want an easy way to trim a few pounds, watch a funny movie or share a good joke with friends. If you need some new material, try some of my humor books.

    Here is another good way to burn calories. When you kiss someone for a minute, you both burn about 2.6 calories. According to that math, that is about 156 calories an hour. I am available for testing the theory.

    Redhead Facts

    Redheads, when compared to blondes or brunettes are more than twice as likely to avoid going to the dentist. The same genetic variant that explains their hair also makes them more resistant to local anesthesia, such as Novocaine and they might need as much as twenty percent more as reported in Journal of the American Dental Association.

    Researchers report that, on average redheads are also more sensitive to heat and cold and three times more susceptible to skin cancer than the rest of us.

    Other disorders, all backed by studies, that disproportionately affect redheads include: Parkinson’s disease, Endometriosis, and Tourette’s syndrome.

    At a recent seminar on hair color and health, Scottish researcher Jonathan Rees reported that throughout history the “ginger gene” may have “played a big role” in protecting many redheads from rickets (soft, weak bones triggered by vitamin D deficiency).

    Unlike blondes and brunettes, their natural red hair retains its original color longer than any other hair color, although eventually it tends to turn blond, and ultimately white. On average, redheads have thicker hair, but fewer strands (about 90,000), compared to blondes (110,000) or brunettes (140,000).

    The world’s highest rate of redheads is found in Scotland, where an estimated 13 percent of Scots, about 650,000 people have red hair compared to 4 percent of Europeans and less than 2 percent of the global population, according to STV News. In the US, there are an estimated 6 million redheads. Unrelated hairy fact - The leaders of Russia have been alternately bald then hairy since 1881 through the first Putin leadership.

    Fred Astaire Bonus

    Speaking of Ginger, this YouTube shows the how the dance scene where Fred dances up the walls and on the ceiling is done. Interesting Hollywood magic explained. LINK - and a bonus with Fred, his ladies, and the Bee Gees song LINK .

    Feb 12, 2013

    Blood Type Defined

    Blood consists of red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma (the goop in which everything sits). Antigens and various proteins float in the plasma and on red blood cells. An antigen is any substance that causes the immune system to produce antibodies to fight intruders.

    The ABO grouping system refers to genetically-determined individual differences in the presence of two antigens (A and B), which stimulate the production of different antibodies. Type-O blood has both the antibodies produced in type-A and type-B, whereas type-AB has neither.

    In 2004 researchers from University College London proposed that the presence of certain bacteria and intracellular viruses may have put evolutionary pressure on certain antigen-producing genetic mutations. In populations where viruses prevailed, gene O dominated. Those with bacteria-heavy environments found themselves more likely to have A or B type.

    The major blood groups were not known until the early 1900s. Before then blood transfusions sometimes were fatal, because the different blood groups are incompatible. In 1940, experiments on Rhesus monkeys revealed additional antigen factors now known as positive or negative "Rh factors." This led to the types "O positive" or "AB negative." Since then, hundreds of other less-significant antigen differences have been identified, most of which do not lead to transfusion problems.

    Wordology, Breaking the Ice

    Originally this phrase literally meant to break ice, like ice breaker ships that would make a path for other ships to follow.

    During the late 17th century, the phrase took on the current meaning of forging a path through an awkward silence or awkward social situation.

    About this time, ice-breaker also became common. It is a mechanism, such as a party game to break up socially awkward situations and to get people talking.

    Sperm Study

    Here is another of those studies that makes us wonder who thinks up this stuff. The British Journal of Sports Medicine, looked at the lifestyles of 189 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 22, during a three-month period to establish a link between environmental factors and semen quality. Its finding - men who watch more than 20 hours of television a week risk halving their sperm count.

    It said, while regular, vigorous exercise was shown to boost sperm count, excessive television-watching can counteract the positive effects of physical activity and can have a major impact on a man’s ability to reproduce.

    Another study by researchers at the University of Sheffield and Manchester compared the lifestyles of 939 men with poor sperm quality with 1,310 men with normal sperm quality. It found “little evidence” that a high BMI, excessive alcohol consumption or recreational drugs were contributing factors to sperm quality. It also found that wearing boxer shorts rather than tighter underwear was linked to higher sperm levels. There was even evidence that high levels of physical activity might have a detrimental effect on quality and quantity.

    Dr George Chavarro from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School at Public Health, senior author of the recent study said, “In general, very little is known about what influences sperm count.”  Too bad for us their fathers didn't watch more TV.

    Describing Brains

    This five minute video is a humorous look at the differences between male and female brains. A fun diversion. LINK

    Feb 8, 2013

    Happy Friday

    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

    I have learned to live for a Happy Friday and hope for another next week.

    Super Camera

    DARPA has released more details on the ARGUS-IS, a 1.8-gigapixel camera that will be attached to unmanned drones to spot targets as small as six inches at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The camera – which is one of the highest resolution systems in the world – can view ten square miles of terrain at a time and zoom in on targets with surprising clarity.

    The camera uses 368 five-megapixel camera sensors aimed through a telescopic array to pick out birds in flight and humans on the move on the Earth’s surface. ARGUS stands for Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System.

    Wordology, Wenis

    It is pronounced wee nis. The skin on the end of your elbow. It is also the name of an Egyptian pharaoh of the fifth dynasty.

    Bubble Wrap

    It was invented by two engineers Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes in 1957. They were trying to create a textured wallpaper. They started out by sealing two shower curtains together in such a way that it would capture air bubbles which would make the textured appearance for their wallpaper. The wallpaper idea didn't sell. They tried to find another use for their product and tried to use it as greenhouse insulation. This idea wasn't popular either.

    Three years later Frederick W. Bowers, a marketer at Sealed Air, which makes Bubble Wrap, came up with the perfect use for the product. IBM announced their new 1401 computer and Bowers got the idea that Bubble Wrap could be used as a packaging material to protect the computer while it was being shipped. He then pitched the idea to IBM and it began purchasing Bubble Wrap to protect their 1401 and other fragile products.

    About $400 million worth of Bubble Wrap is sold annually. Bubble Wrap can be used as a cheap burglar alarm by placing it on the floor in front of a door.