Jan 8, 2010


In politics, there has never been a crisis that a larger crisis can't fix.

Bottled Water

The smug greenies have done it to themselves again. Many folks are back to opting for  tap water, or filtered tap water, because of the nasty environmental effects of producing and shipping bottled waters and the cleanup of the bottles themselves.

An increasing number of restaurants are offering only filtered tap water to customers these days. Mario Batali (from TV fame) stopped selling bottled water at his New York City restaurants in 2009, and eateries in Florida and Massachusetts are also serving only tap.

New York is the 11th state to require a bottled-water deposit, and the list is expected to grow. Americans last year threw away an estimated 2.5 million bottles an hour, according to data provided by the Clean Air Council.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors voted in June, 2009 to recommend that City Halls stop serving bottled water even at special functions. I always said bottled water was the pet rock of the decade, now it looks like some folks are beginning to agree with me.

Speaking of greenies

I heard of a new bumper sticker. "Go Green - Recycle Congress." Seems like great advice.


Great group doing shadow dancing and the music is good too. LINK

Cheese is not Green

Cheese of any type, made from the milk of cows, or goats, or sheep has a significant impact on the environment compared with other food products according to some "researchers." According to them, sheep cheese is especially bad.

Environmentalists are saying cheese may do as much harm to the environment as some kinds of meat. Based on figures from Sweden, the production of a 1.5 ounce serving of cheese might be expected to produce around 16 ounces of carbon dioxide equivalent. Depending on which study you consult, a 2 - 3 ounce serving of cooked, boneless chicken meat should yield between 4.3 and 31 ounces of CO2-equivalent, although you get about the same number of calories from each.

According to them, raising a milk-bearing animal puts out a significant amount of greenhouse gases, thanks in large part to the methane the animals emit. Feed production also contributes to global warming, and animal waste has implications for both water and air quality.

Steve Zeng, a dairy researcher at Langston University, says feta cheese is one of the best options in terms of processing impacts and notes that Chèvre, Brie, and Camembert are also pretty green. John Beck, from Papa Murphy's, will be pleased to know that mozzarella is also on the 'green' list, since it doesn't require aging.

Sheep cheese is going to be worse for the planet than cow or goat varieties according to researchers from MTT Agrifood Research, Finland. They estimated that greenhouse gas emissions per unit of cheese would be roughly the same for cows and goats, but sheep might emit twice the amount of methane as a cow or a goat, per unit of milk produced.  Soon we may all be required to eat grass. Wait, that is what causes methane emissions from livestock. I think we need to tell these "environmental researchers" to get a life! Next I am expecting a study that compares which is worse - cutting the cheese or making cheese.

Speaking of Cheese

I just saw a New York Times statistical map from the latest data in 2008 that shows Americans spend more (.3% of their income) on cheese than  (.2%) on computers. Cheese spending was up 12.5% for the year, while spending on computers went down 12% for the year. It comes from an interactive diagram of all spending.  LINK

Jan 7, 2010


A friend is: a push when you've stopped;
a word when you're lonely;
a guide when you're searching;
a smile when you're sad; a song when you're glad. . .
and someone who knows enough to end an email before you are totally bored.


An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the single brain cell it occupied.

TV History

As we look to the new year, it is interesting to look back on how TV has changed our lives, for better or worse.

Philo Farnsworth, Idaho, invented television and filed for patent in 1927.

The first commercial TVs were produced in the US in 1938.

RCA 12 inch TV, 1939. Cost $600 (that would be like $9,337.00 in 2009).

The first public broadcast was made in London in 1936 and 1939 (on a 6 inch screen) in New York.

The FCC declares 1941 as the actual first broadcast and declares anything before that as 'experimental'. Also, the first commercial, from Bulova watch was seen in 1941. Maybe that is what made the FCC change its mind.

TVs were not produced from 1942 - 1945, due to the war, and tv stations broadcast only 4 hours per week.

Howdy Doody premiered on TV in 1947, The Lone Ranger in 1949, and the first coast-to-coast TV broadcast was 1951.

Commercial color TV was first seen in 1953, but less than 1 percent of TVs could view color. Most of the country had 4 VHF stations to watch, and none were available 24 hours a day. They ended the day with the national anthem, or the following. Then they showed test patterns until the next day's broadcast.

Do you remember -  "Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of . . . " John Gillespie Magee Jr.

LINK to "High Flight" above from KSAT TV signoff. Poem begins at about 1 minute in.

Ronald Reagan was host of "General Electric Theater" from 1953 - 1961.

1955 ushers in the first TV remote control from Zenith. Whoopee!

NBC announced in 1965 that 96% of its programming was in color, but it wasn't until 1977 that 75% of TVs in homes could receive color. Color TV sales first outsell black and white in 1972.

First pay TV was 1972 and it caused an uproar.

Cable TV broadcasting came in during the 1940s and 1950s for stations owners, first home cable, 1948, and was deregulated in 1984. Cable reaches 50 percent of households in 1987. CNN is first cable 24 hour programming. UK produces first 24 hour broadcasts in 1987.

1991 begins the first real-time commercial broadcast of war (the Persian War) and most major advertisers pull their spots as they were not willing to sponsor war coverage. NBC lost millions in advertising. Viet Nam coverage was all from film, not live broadcast.

18 inch satellite dishes are introduced in 1996. First web TV is introduced in 1996.

98% of households have at least one TV in 1998 and 67% have cable.

In 2005 A 42" Plasma HDTV usually retails for $4,500.00 - $7,000.00, with regular plasma flat screen of 42' at about $1,400.

LCDs surpassed sales of old CRT type televisions in 2008.

All digital TV is the only type of TV available as of 2009. As of 2009 you can also watch TV on your cell phone.