Jul 8, 2016

Hot Dog Day

It is on July 14 and celebrated all over the world. Enjoy some dogs today, especially with bacon and cheese or other toppings of choice.

Bastille Day

The French recognize Bastille Day, July 14, officially National Day or formally called La Fête Nationale as the end of the monarchy and beginning of the modern republic. The lasting significance of the storming of the Bastille event was in its recognition that power could be held by ordinary citizens. Today, Parisians celebrate this national holiday with a grand military parade up the Champs Elysées, colorful arts festivals, fireworks, and raucous parties.

Wordology, Lock, Stock, and Barrel

This means everything, the whole thing. The term lock, stock, and barrel refers to the parts of a gun. There are three major parts of a gun, the lock or firing mechanism, the stock or wood handle, and the barrel which the bullet travels through. If one has a lock, stock, and barrel, then one has everything that makes up a gun. In time, the phrase came to be used figuratively to mean the whole thing.

Old Time Radio Online

Download or Listen Online to over 35,000 Old Time Radio Shows. http://www.rusc.com/ (R U Sitting Comfortably)

This site features background information for each show. Less variety than RUSC. http://www.relicradio.com/otr/

This site has old and new TV shows, music, libraries,  arcades, free software, and much more. The radio portion has 2,500 shows, such as Gunsmoke, Sherlock Holmes, Johnny Dollar, Dragnet, Jack Benny, Amos and Andy, etc. is at https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio

All provide great background listening while surfing the web.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich is such a staple of American childhood that it seems like it has been around forever. In fact, there are people alive today in America who grew up in a world when the PB&J sandwich was not well-known. The first known reference to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was in a 1901 cookbook.

The first reference of peanut butter dates back to about 1000 BC with the Ancient Incas. Records show both Africans and Chinese grinding peanuts into a paste early in the 15th century. Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec was the first person to patent peanut butter. He was issued with US patent #306727 in 1884. J.H. Kellogg of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his 'Process of Preparing Nutmeal', which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called 'nut-butter.' George Washington Carver was born only a few years before Edson's patent was issued and he did develop a number of uses for the peanut, but he did not invent peanut butter.

US law dictates that any product labeled “peanut butter” in the United States must be at least 90 percent peanut. Eighty percent of the peanut butter sold in the U.S. is creamy, while seventeen percent is crunchy. The rest is mixed.

The jelly part of the sandwich could mean jelly, jam, or other fruit preserves. It has also been around for a long time, going all the way back to at least the first century, mentioned in 'Of Culinary Matters' by Marcus Gavius Apicius.

Mr. Welch developed Grapelade from Concord grapes in 1918, which proved to be extremely popular among the troops during World War I. When they got back from the war, they spread the practice of using it on bread. I just enjoyed a PB&J on a toasted English Muffin.

Lightning Strikes

Between 2004 and 2013 an average of 33 Americans died each year as a result of lightning strikes. The numbers have been coming down and during 2015 there were only 27 lightning deaths.

Lightning strike Washington Monument Aug 15, 2010.

Nine occurred during the first six months of 2016. On average, about three times as many men are killed as women. About ten percent of people struck by lightning become a fatality.

Wordology, Luthier

A luthier (loo ti ur) is someone who builds or repairs string instruments generally consisting of a neck and a sound box. The word "luthier" comes from the French word luth, which means lute. The term originally referred to makers of lutes and is now used interchangeably with any term that refers to makers of a specific, or specialty, type of stringed instrument, such as violin maker, guitar maker, or lute maker.

Antonio Stradivari was an Italian luthier who lived between 1644 and 1737. Throughout his life he made around 1,100 instruments, 650 of which are still around today. Out of these, about 500 are violins. Five out of 12 of the most expensive violins in the world today were made by him, and the most expensive one, called “The Messiah Stradivarius” is worth $20 million. How he was able to craft them so perfectly still baffles luthiers today.

Jul 2, 2016

Happy Friday

Happiness wrinkles make us look younger.

I always feel young while celebrating a Happy Friday!

Middle Day

July 2, at noon is the exact middle of the year. It has 182 days before and 182 days following.