Showing posts with label Camel Hump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camel Hump. Show all posts

Jun 19, 2020

Two More Myths Debunked

A camel’s hump does not store water. Camel humps store fat. The fat allows the animal to remain nourished during long periods between eating, an attribute for which camels are less well-known. As the fat is burned by the animal’s metabolism, the humps sag, replenished when the camel again has access to food. Camels drink massive amounts of water, up to 20 gallons at a time, which is stored in their bloodstream, not in their humps. In truth, a camel’s hump holds little water, and none as storage for long desert journeys.
Gum remains in the stomach no longer than any other food ingested. For most people is 30 minutes to two hours. For most healthy people, the stomach is emptied within that time period. Chewing gum is not intended to be swallowed, but the idea that it remains in the stomach indefinitely, growing into a larger mass, is totally false.