Showing posts with label Collinsville Ilinois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collinsville Ilinois. Show all posts

Aug 13, 2010

Ketchup Tidbits

Unopened bottles of ketchup may be stored up to one year in a cool, dry place. Once opened, you may store it in a cool environment, away from sun and/or heat, for about 1 month. For longer shelf life after opening, refrigeration is recommended.

The world's largest ketchup bottle is proudly displayed in Collinsville, Illinois on top of a water tower. It stands 170 feet tall.

Ketchup can be used to clean copper utensils, because the acid removes tarnish and shines it.

One tablespoon of ketchup has 16 calories and no fat.

Those who dunk into a well of ketchup are methodical and trustworthy, but may also be control freaks who are afraid of change. Ambitious people drop their sauce in the middle of their food. Creative types squirt and swirl their sauce in thin lines, but deep down are impatient. Those who dot their ketchup are friendly, but live conservatively and dream of adventure holidays. Smotherers are the life and soul of the party, while artists who draw faces and words on their food have an easy-going approach to life. Gourmets who keep ketchup in a cruet appear charming, but deep down may be snobbish.

On average, each person consumes about three bottles of ketchup a year.