Cenosillicaphobia fear of an empty glass.
Sufferers experience fear of seeing an empty glass, it may be a
beer glass, a wine glass, or a cocktail glass.
Methyphobia is a psychological condition is also known as
Potophobia, often described as a fear of loss control when
drinking alcohol. Methyphobic people may be either afraid of
losing control after drinking alcohol or they may avoid (because
of the fear) the company of people who consume alcohol.
Oenomania is also known as oinomania and enomania, is a mania
for wine. Although it is not a phobia, it may create similar
psychological negative effects on the person because of the
morbid and often not controlled desire for wine.
Oenophobia is also known as enophobia or oinophobia. Oenophobia
is a psychological condition where the sufferer has an intense
dislike or hatred for wine. The most common reason why
oenophobes fear wine is because wine contains alcohol that is
considered a toxin and this toxin causes effects that are
unpleasant and scary for the person who drinks it and for the
person who witness others drinking it. Similar to methyphobic
people, oenophobes avoid people who drink wine and they do not
drink wine themselves.
Zythophobia is a very similar phobia to oenophobia. In this
case, beer is a reason for fear. It is considered to be a branch
of methophobia. People suffering from this phobia are afraid of
others who drink beer. They avoid parties and gathering where
beer can be present in order to protect themselves from acts of
rudeness. Zythophobes may as well fear yeasts that are present
in beer. This type of zythophobia may lead to a fear of taking
live yeast into the body that may lead to unpleasant effects.