I have written about this before. Seems like internet TV is inevitable. Now it looks closer than ever.
Last month, the same week Hulu announced a paid plan, news surfaced that it is talking with CBS, Viacom, and Time Warner TV divisions to add their shows. Free Hulu already includes “Fox, NBC Universal, ABC, ABC Family, Biography, Lionsgate, Endemol, MGM, MTV Networks, National Geographic, Digital Rights Group, Paramount, PBS, Sony Pictures Television, Warner Bros. etc.
If paid Hulu (suggested $10 per month) works, the networks will have proof that they can circumvent cable and satellite companies and have the profit go directly in their pockets.
Bad news for the greedy cable companies. However, this will not happen overnight and the cable box is still easier for the uninitiated. I love competition.
Hmmm, think I found a new use for my old PC. You don't need a PC with much memory or fast speed, it all comes directly from the net. Just add a short cable from the PC to TV and all is well. An extra bonus is that you can do email or Facebook if a commercial shows up. As a bonus,YouTube looks great on a big screen.