Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2018

Happy New Year

So we begin a new year, full of anticipation and hope. It is my desire to have everything good come to you this year. 

Dec 25, 2015

Did You Know?

Christmas and the following New Year's Day (Jan 1) are always one week apart and fall on the same day. However, within any calendar year, Christmas and New Year’s Day always fall on different days.

Jan 2, 2015


Ah, we are at the beginning of another New Year and the world awaits what wonderful things we can accomplish this year. Time is such an important part of our lives and is so personal to each of us that there are hundreds of ways to describe it. Each of us has our own specious present. This year, do not bide your time. Use this window of time to spend some face time with family and friends and keep them close for all time.

Words from the Rolling Stones (I like the second version) title come to mind LINK. In the nick of time we look at the fresh calendar, sit a spell, adjust our circadian clock, and ponder the current epoch. This is the kairos to begin before we reach our first poronkusema.

Kairos is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment).

The Finnish word poronkusema describes the distance equal to how far a reindeer can travel without taking a comfort break.

The Malaysian word for the time it takes to eat a banana is pisan zapra. To say that someone would arrive in pisan zapra means they could be expected in a few minutes.

The Turkish phrase 'zaman dilimi' means time period as does the Haitian Creole phrase 'peryòd tan'.

A jubilee is 50 years.

A vigil is a period of time, especially at night, when you stay in a place to wait for something or to give your support.

In medieval time, a moment was defined as being 90 seconds.

In the Old Testament, Yom is translated as period of time, such as year, always, and more.

A sidereal time is the measurement of time relative to a distant star. It is used in astronomy to predict when a star will be overhead. A sidereal day is 4 minutes less than a solar day.

Scientist Gilbert Newton Lewis defined a jiffy in the early 1900s as the amount of time it takes light to travel 1 centimeter (0.4 in), which is about one-hundredth of a second.

A Planck is the duration light takes to travel one (Max) Planck length, theorized to be the smallest duration measurement that will ever be possible, roughly 10 to the 43rd seconds.

Wordology, Hogmanay

Hogmanay is the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish style. The celebrating begins on the last day of the year and lasts through the night until the morning of New Year's Day or 2 January, a Scottish Bank Holiday.

ABBA Happy New Year

 Decided to toss in this Happy New Year song by ABBA in their own style. LINK Enjoy!

Dec 27, 2014

Christmas and New Year Movies

Miracle on 34th Street - LINK 
Dinner for One
(traditionally shown in many countries on New Year's eve and one of my favorite short movies) LINK

Jan 2, 2010

New Year's Eve

The last day of the year is New Year's Eve. Many people see the old year out with a party, welcoming in the New Year with toasts of champagne, and exchanging good wishes for a 'Happy New Year'. This celebration is particularly dear to the Scots. They call it Big Ben Hogmanay. All over Britain there are parties, fireworks, singing and dancing, to ring out the old year and ring in the new. As the clock Big Ben strikes midnight, people link arms and sing a song called 'Auld Lang Syne' to remind them of old and new friends.

A New Year superstition in Yorkshire, England - people say 'Black rabbits, black rabbits, black rabbits' during the closing seconds of the old year. Then they say, 'White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits,' as their first utterance of the New Year. This is suppose to bring good luck.

Dec 31, 2009

New Year Poem

If New Year's Eve night-wind blows south,
    It betokeneth warmth and growth;
    If west, much milk, and fish in the sea;
    If north, cold and storms there will be;
    If east, the trees will bear much fruit;
    If north-east, flee it, man and brute!