Showing posts with label Pipsqueak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pipsqueak. Show all posts

Sep 12, 2014

Pipsqueaks, Plonkers, and Whizz-bangs

World War I, soldiers in the trenches gave cute names to the artillery shells that were constantly killing and maiming their friends and comrades. Some of these names, like 'whizz-bang', 'plonker' and 'pipsqueak' describe some of the lethal devices.

Another war term from the time is strafe, as in The German phrase "Gott strafe England!" (God punish England!) was widely used in German propaganda. The word strafe then entered the English language, meaning punish, bombard or reprimand. Strafe definition later narrowed to refer to attacking with machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft.