The first time color TV sets outsold
B&W was in 1972. That was also the first year that broadcast
satellite TV began, although cable had been around for years before
that. Only 20% of U.S. households had two or more sets at the time,
and almost all portable TVs (usually the choice for a second set)
were still black and white due to the technology involved for color.
By 1979 no more black and white consoles were made. About six
channels were available for watching and the average screen size was
22 inches.
During the 90s the average screen size was 27 inches and the 'giant
size screens' were 40 inches. The average TV screen size is about 37
inches today and expected to average 60 inches by 2015.
Later this year super HiDef will be coming at four times the 1080p
of today and the TV set definition will be 16 times greater by 2015,
likely with prices to match.