Somewhere in the New Mexico desert, possibly on the Laguna
Indian Reservation outside of Albuquerque, there is a radio
transmitter first noticed in 2004, that occasionally sends a
mysterious burst of transmissions. These transmissions, called
the Yosemite Sam transmission do not appear to make sense.
Spynumbers has a great post that says beginning in December
2004, the FCC began getting reports of the Yosemite Sam
transmission, which begins as an 800 millisecond data burst,
similar to the sound a Blu-Ray player might make when it makes
some horrible error. That is immediately followed by a clip of
an arch nemesis of Bugs Bunny’s, Yosemite Sam, announcing,
“Varmint, I’m gonna blow you to smithereens!”
Radio geeks/conspiracy trackers/curious people pinned down
the phrase from the 1949 Bugs Bunny cartoon, “Bunker Hill.”
Why it is attached to a burst of compressed information, often
used by intelligence community is mysterious. That it is
transmitted in on four frequencies - 3700, 4300, 6500, and
10,500 kHz - for a full two minutes without any missed time
mark tends to make it even more mysterious.
These are the numbers stations - radio stations on shortwave
that broadcast some sort of repetitive noise followed by
strings of numbers. Amateur tech geeks first identified the
stations after World War II. No one is sure what their purpose