Apr 2, 2009

Orange Juice Truths

OJ is heavily processed and heavily engineered. In the process of pasteurizing, juice is heated and stripped of oxygen, a process called deaeration, so it doesn't oxidize.

Then it's put in huge storage tanks where it can be kept for over a year. It gets stripped of flavor-providing chemicals, which are volatile. When it's ready for packaging, companies, such as Tropicana, hire flavor companies to engineer flavor packs to make it taste fresh. These are orange-derived substances, essences, and oils. Flavor companies break down the essence and oils into individual chemicals and recombine them. Most concentrate (even Tropicana) comes from Brazil, not Florida.

People think not-from-concentrate is a fresher product, but it is not and sits in storage for quite a long time.

BTW - Minute Maid is owned by Coca-Cola. Tropicana is owned by Pepsi.

Speaking of Breakfast

When it comes time for my birthday, I hope someone keeps this web site in mind. It is a bacon-of-the-month club gifts.
How better to tell that certain someone that you are thinking of them every month of the year. Bobby Flay's father bought him a one year subscription. Bacon is almost as good as potato chips. OK, OK, sorry. I just had to do it.

Inspiring Words

The Latin root "spir," which means "to breathe life into," is found in words like inspiration, respiration, spirit, and perspiration.

Speaking of Inspiring

Here is the latest effort to mimic the human brain on a chip.
A collaboration with neurobiologists and contributions of 15 scientific groups from seven different countries, the group is trying to recreate the three-dimensional structure of the brain in a 2-D piece of silicon. The current prototype can operate about 100,000 times faster than a real human brain.

The FACETS group now plans to further scale up their chips, connecting a number of wafers to create a superchip with a total of a billion neurons and 1013 synapses. Roomba has been eclipsed.

Awesome miniature Railroad

It takes about 4 minutes to watch this video, but the view is truly amazing. Leave it to the Germans to outdo themselves once again. You might even get sidetracked by the steampunk robots like I did (the link is on the left of the video). They are becoming popular again.

Google Tip

Do you get as frustrated as I do when searching and Google comes back with sites and articles that are years old? Try typing inurl:2008 or whatever year you like, at the end of the words and it will come back with results for that year only, example: computers inurl:2008.

If you want to see the results for different years, you can type: computers view:timeline and it will come back with this on the top of the page.

You can then click on any of the years and only the results for those years will be displayed.

BTW use quotes if you want to find a particular phrase or string of words. If I used my name without the quotes it would find many extraneous things for tom and many other shubnells. By using the quotes around both names, I limit the search to only me.

Mar 26, 2009


I am a member and you can become a member, too. It stands for People Eating Tasty Animals. You don't eat meat when it turns green, because it will make you sick, so why would you eat anything that starts out green.

Toothbrush Fountain

Here is a novel idea from Amron Experimental.

This is a toothbrush that redirects water to your mouth so you don't need a glass or get your hands wet. They are cheap at $1.18. I bet the kids would love this. Of course my first test would be to see how far it would shoot.


I have noticed the price of HDTVs has actually been going up since about January. Went to a number of web sites and verified that it has quietly been happening. Another thing I have noticed is that 50" sets are conspicuously missing and 52" sets are replacing them.

Guess the price wars and slashing has hurt the retail market too much, they are sneaking in higher prices. They probably haven't read 'good business 101, what not to do during a downturn'.

BTW - Visio is now the second largest shipper of HDTVs in the US. Do you think selling through Sam's and Costco might have something to do with it.

More Nano

The diameter of a red blood cell is about 7,000 nanometers.

New Nano

This Tata Motors (the company that bought land Rover and Jaguar) Nano went on sale this week March 23, in India for $2,000. It claims to be the 'world's cheapest car'. It will also be sold in Europe in 2011. I wonder why they didn't say 'inexpensive'?

Mar 18, 2009

Names vs. Income

Not surprisingly, a study conducted in Sweden showed that African, Asian, or Slavic immigrants who changed their name to be more neutral or Swedish sounding increased their earnings the year after their name was changed. The researchers believe that employers (unconsciously or not) sort out names of job applicants, based on their past experiences and perception of stereotypes of nationalities. A year after name changes, earnings rose and average of 141%. Don't you ever wonder who pays for these studies and why? Maybe it is for the infinitely curious folks that read about them.

Got Salt

Our bodies need salt to function, but an interesting tidbit many do not know is that salt stimulates a pleasant sensation in the brain, according to a new study by the University of Iowa. Salt deprivation is one of the symptoms associated with depression. There are many long and involved studies show the goodness of salt and overuse leading to other health problems. I'll leave them for another day.
Other things from salt - The salt shaker ministries in Kentucky, the word salary comes from the Greek word for salt, one of the four taste sensations is saltiness (along with sweet, bitter, and sour), Roman soldiers were paid in salt. Taking a dip in the Dead Sea is good for healing psoriasis.

(A fifth, less often mentioned taste sensation is Umami is a whole new sensual pleasure. It is a multidimensional taste sensation that is not only savory, brothy and mouth filling but actually interacts with the other taste receptors, think of MSG, and fermented fish sauces, such as Worcestershire. It is a powerful taste that we have known since we were a baby, yet its mysterious interaction with other taste receptors make it hard to describe.)

Old wives' tale - Salt does raise water's boiling point, but you would need a full ounce per quart to raise it one degree.

Sea salt and table salt have the same nutritional value, but taste different because of other chemicals. Sea salt has more calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Did you know table salt has iodine and additives that prevent it from caking, like it did in the old days? I am not ready to start salting my bacon, but I like salt, because it makes me feel good. Bottom line: just like many other things that make you feel good - use it, but don't abuse it.

Mar 13, 2009

Sears Tower - Willis Tower

The world famous Sears Tower in Chicago is getting a name change to the Willis Tower after new tenants London-based Willis Group Holdings. The new name is part of the terms of a rental agreement between the owners of the Sears Tower and the Willis Group. Willis Group is not paying any extra money to make the name change. Somehow, that just doesn't sound right.