Oct 5, 2009

The World

Here is an interesting twist to making maps. It has a series of maps of countries, showing elevations based on population, rather than land mass. Below is the US. For a larger view and more, click on this link. The two that stand out the most are the UAE and Russia.

Toilet Paper Facts

I am not so sure you have noticed, so I thought you should be informed that toilet paper is getting smaller. The standard size for years had been 4.5 by 4.5 inches, but now most manufacturers have gone to 4.5 by 4 or 4.5 by 4.3 inches.

The British pay twice as much as Germans or French, and nearly three times as much as the Americans for a standard four-pack roll.

Studies show that the average user of toilet paper uses about the same number of sheets whether it is three ply, two ply, or one ply. So, when using the loo, one ply will do - and it's cheaper.

Profound Thoughts Book Three

Here is chapter one from my book of wise sayings, quotes, aphorisms, and great thoughts from great minds about health, Wealth, Knowledge and Wisdom. Hope you enjoy.

Oct 2, 2009

The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude

I have not done any book reviews here before, but I just finished a delightful book.

Reading the book made me feel like I was sitting across the table from an old aunt, who had just returned from a life's journey and is sharing stories of her adventures and the people she met along the way. Of course, like Sister Mary Olga, she is already through two thirds of her Jack Daniels and well on her way through her second pack of Marlboro 'prayer sticks'.

This would make a wonderful play and has more mayhem than 'Nunsense'. A true bonus is the good moral lesson seasoned in with the wacky humor.

I almost forgot how wonderful it is to read a book, close the cover, and feel like I just attended an Oscar winning performance.

Here is the website

Arizona Sand

Beautiful natural sand formations in Arizona.


Art is Man's nature.  Nature is God's art.


TRUE - An Auckland accountant was fired for sending confrontational emails with words in red, in bold and in capital letters.

Vicki Walker, who was a financial controller with ProCare Health, has been awarded $17,000 NZ for unfair dismissal, and plans to lodge an appeal for further compensation. The Employment Relations Authority ruled that Walker was not fairly terminated from her position after sending the emails to co-workers.

ProCare told the authority, Walker, who was fired after two years of employment - had caused disharmony in the workplace by using block capitals, bold typeface and red text in her emails.

The email, which advises her team how to fill out staff claim forms, specifies a time and date highlighted in bold red, and a sentence written in capitals and highlighted in bold blue. It reads: "To ensure your staff claim is processed and paid, please do follow the below checklist."


You must set your sights upon the heights
Do not be a mediocrity
Don't just wait and trust to fate
And say, that's how it's meant to be
It's up to you how far you go
If you don't try you'll never know
And so my lad as I've explained
Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Congressional Approval Rating

The numbers below say it all.

Favorable Ratings for Professions
Small Business Owners
People Who Start Own Business
Pastors and Religious Leaders
Stockbrokers and Fin Analysts
Members of Congress


"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan, 40th US President (1911 - 2004)

Oct 1, 2009


Potato Chip History

In 1853, it has been claimed that the first potato chips were prepared by Chef George Crum, an American Indian, at Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, NY. When railroad magnate Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt was dining there, he sent his fried potatoes back to the kitchen, complaining they were "too thick."

The chef, George Crum retaliated by slicing paper thin strips of potatoes and frying them to a crisp. But Vanderbilt loved these "Saratoga Chips" and they became an instant success. I am trying to decide whether I love chips or bacon more. Ah, the dilemma.

Dinner Jacket

The tailless dinner jacket was invented in Tuxedo Park, New York. Thus it is called the "tuxedo dinner jacket" and is named after the town.

Winch Tourbillon Vertical

The WTV from Cabestan is built in a unique vertical manner in what is perhaps the most mechanical of mechanical wristwatches. The movement is wound with a large key that turns a set of visible cogs.

A set of wheels, pinions, and drums turn in synchronization to power the timepiece. There is no face to this watch either, but instead two rotating drums set atop a ball bearing. The vertical tourbillon, which is run by what looks like a small bicycle chain, is the first of its kind. The crystal consists of 6 hand blown pieces of Pyrex. OK, its a bit geeky, but interesting and Christmas is coming. hint hint