Nov 17, 2009

Russian Sand Art

Here  is an interesting diversion. It is long, but you don't have to watch the whole thing to enjoy.


Hard to believe Ford is doing so well when you read the following. A husband and wife went to their local Ford dealership in Canton , Mississippi to pick up their car.  When they arrived,they were told the keys had been locked in it.

They went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As the wife watched from the passenger side, she instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. She told the repair man that the door was open and he replied, "I know. I already got that side."

Having a Bad Day

Couldn't resist sharing this. I know could not have been taken on Friday, because everyone has a Happy Friday.

Nov 12, 2009

Sex Cures Headaches

Endorphins released into our bloodstream when we have sex not only give us pleasure, but also act as painkillers. Useful information for the next time your partner uses a headache as a reason to say no.


Age is a relative thing - think about dead fish and good wine.

Border Patrol in Action

35 seconds of fun. Click here

My mother said, "Take your Asprin."

She must have known something. Aspirin may be good for your liver, protecting it against damage from too much Tylenol and possibly even from obesity and alcohol abuse, according to a new study by a Yale physician, Dr. Wajahat Mehal of Yale, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. It shows liver damage can be prevented by low doses of aspirin and has a protective effect, preventing inflammation of the liver caused by many medications.

Liz Taylor

In a controversial new biography, Liz Taylor reveals she likes her lovemaking loud, rough, and frequent.
Coincidentally, looks like that's also how she likes to eat.

Friday the Thirteenth

Triskaidekaphobia (from Greek tris meaning "3," kai meaning "and," and deka meaning "10") is fear of the number 13.

It is a superstition and related to a specific fear of Friday the 13th, called friggatriskaidekaphobia.  That is the truth!

PS - See October post about Friday.