Nov 19, 2009

USB Drive

A new USB 3.0 drive was announced last week by Super Talent Technology and it should be available next month. It can support data transfer rates up to 5Gbit/sec or 10 times faster than current USB 2.0 products. It fits into the current 2.0 ports, but would be limited to those slower speeds. The price wasn't announced yet, but I would think the largest size would be many hundreds of dollars and the smallest about two hundred bucks.

It comes in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB capacities and is 3.7 inches by 1.4 inches by half inch thick. The drive can deliver data transfer speeds up to 200MB/sec in USB 3.0 ports. To compare size, it can likely hold about 35,000 songs or about 500 half hour TV shows.  I love new technology.


No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Eight Teeth Facts - some might surprise you

     1. All Teeth Whiteners Are The Same: No, they are not. The choices between teeth whitening systems include toothpastes, gels, rinses, strips, trays, prescribed whitening agents, and even laser treatments. Each has its own pro’s and con’s other than price and speed of results.

   2. Not Brushing Causes Bad Breath: Partially true, there are also many other factors for bad breath. Eating unpleasant smelling foods like garlic or onions, the odor remains until the body passes the food. Drinkers, smokers, and dieters can also have chronic bad breath.

   3. Breath Into Your Hand To See If You Have Bad Breath: Not true. This practice will only tell you if your hand smells or not. Because different muscles are used to breath and talk, the hand test isn’t exactly accurate.

   4. ADA Approved Gum Can Be Substituted for Brushing: Not true, but it can help. Chewing it in between brushing may help for conditions such as reducing plaque, promoting tooth enamel, reducing cavities, or combating gingivitis.

   5. Put Aspirin On An Aching Tooth: Not true. Placing it next to the tooth and gums can actually burn the gum tissue. Swallowing aspirin for pain is OK. Rinsing your mouth with warm water or an over the counter antiseptic containing benzocaine is also effective.

  6. Pregnant Women Should not Go To The Dentist: Not true. New studies show that gum disease can affect the unborn baby. Women who are pregnant or considering it should definitely see a dentist. Pregnant women can safely see the dentist and even have local anesthetics at 13 to 21 weeks gestation. Caution is advised for X-rays and some drugs.

   7. It is OK To Swallow Mouthwash: Not really. About 90 percent of mouthwashes contain high levels of an alcohol, which is not meant to be swallowed. It is also more dangerous for children and should not be given to those under twelve. The long terms affects of swallowing mouthwash can be dangerous.

   8. Mostly The Elderly Get Gum Disease: Not true. About 80 percent of Americans can have some form of gum disease. It can range from inflammation, to periodontitis that can result in damage to the bone. Most cases of gum disease can be reversed with brushing and flossing.

Nov 17, 2009

Mini Printer

It is the size of a computer mouse. PrintBrush is the smallest printer in the world. It is Powered by rechargeable batteries and wirelessly connected via Bluetooth. It can be used on any surface and prints full 8 1/2 by 11 pages at 600 dpi. It also features an optical sensor that helps to ensure a high image quality. Cool stuff should be available the beginning of next year for $199.

Russian Sand Art

Here  is an interesting diversion. It is long, but you don't have to watch the whole thing to enjoy.


Hard to believe Ford is doing so well when you read the following. A husband and wife went to their local Ford dealership in Canton , Mississippi to pick up their car.  When they arrived,they were told the keys had been locked in it.

They went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As the wife watched from the passenger side, she instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. She told the repair man that the door was open and he replied, "I know. I already got that side."

Having a Bad Day

Couldn't resist sharing this. I know could not have been taken on Friday, because everyone has a Happy Friday.

Nov 12, 2009

Sex Cures Headaches

Endorphins released into our bloodstream when we have sex not only give us pleasure, but also act as painkillers. Useful information for the next time your partner uses a headache as a reason to say no.


Age is a relative thing - think about dead fish and good wine.

Border Patrol in Action

35 seconds of fun. Click here

My mother said, "Take your Asprin."

She must have known something. Aspirin may be good for your liver, protecting it against damage from too much Tylenol and possibly even from obesity and alcohol abuse, according to a new study by a Yale physician, Dr. Wajahat Mehal of Yale, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. It shows liver damage can be prevented by low doses of aspirin and has a protective effect, preventing inflammation of the liver caused by many medications.

Liz Taylor

In a controversial new biography, Liz Taylor reveals she likes her lovemaking loud, rough, and frequent.
Coincidentally, looks like that's also how she likes to eat.

Friday the Thirteenth

Triskaidekaphobia (from Greek tris meaning "3," kai meaning "and," and deka meaning "10") is fear of the number 13.

It is a superstition and related to a specific fear of Friday the 13th, called friggatriskaidekaphobia.  That is the truth!

PS - See October post about Friday.

More Superstitions About Thirteen

The Turks have virtually removed 13 from their vocabulary.
Another superstition is that if 13 people sit down to dinner together, all will die within the year.
Beware naming your children with 13 letters in their name, they may be cursed, for example, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson.
Why are there are 13 witches in a coven?
In a 'Baker's Dozen' the extra loaf was baked as a special bribe for the devil not to spoil the batch of loaves.