Jun 11, 2010

British Papers Go Online

The British Library has announced a project to make 40 million pages from its newspaper archive available online. It has more than 300 years of information, including coverage of the Crimean and Boer Wars. The plan is to complete the digitization of more than 4 million pages within the first two years.

With journalism standards as they are today, the world will get a totally different view of reality, if it depends only on newspapers.

Hot Stuff

To Be a Bee

A queen bee is selectively bred in a special "queen cell" in the hive and fed royal jelly by worker bees to induce her to become sexually mature. A virgin queen that survives to adulthood without being killed by her rivals will take a mating flight with a dozen or so male drones. During mating, their genitals explode and snap off inside the queen.

The snapped-off penis acts as a genital plug to prevent other drones from fertilizing the queen. Ouch!

Dr. Demento Moves On

Do you remember Doctor Demento? Last weekend, the Dr. Demento Show had its final broadcast on KIYU, KLOO, WLVQ (QFM96), WRKH and KOZT after forty years of wacky, lively, interesting broadcasting and great music, like 'The Chainsaw Juggler, 'Dirty Old Man', 'You Wanna Buy a Bunny', and more.

He will continue producing new shows every week, starting this weekend for www.drdemento.com for the foreseeable future. New shows will be posted every Saturday. That is good news for the Demento Society and his legions of followers. You know you liked him.

Birds Moonwalk

Here is a cute video of a bird doing the moonwalk to attract a mate. Click on the title for link.

Jun 8, 2010

Lost in Translation

 When officials asked for the Welsh translation of a road sign, they thought the reply was what they needed.

All official road signs in Wales are bilingual, so the local authority e-mailed its in-house translation service for the Welsh version of, "No entry for heavy goods vehicles. Residential site only."

Unfortunately, the e-mail response to Swansea council said in Welsh, "I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated."

Wake-up Call

Want to have some fun? You can call anyone, including yourself and schedule a wake-up call. The calls can be text or voice. Need to get out of a meeting early? Schedule a message to yourself to go off ten minutes after the meeting starts. The first ten are free. Here is the link to http://wakerupper.com/

What's in a Name

Here are five web site names, not meant to be funny, but they are. Read the web site names slowly and enjoy.  You can also click on the link to prove they are real.

Experts Exchange – a site where programmers can trade advice. http://www.expertsexchange.com

La Drape – a British company selling high-end quilted bedspreads. http://www.ladrape.co.uk

American Scrap Metal – a scrap metal recycling firm. http://www.angelfire.com/alt/americanscrapmetal

Speed of Art – a collective of art designers. http://www.speedofart.com

Therapist Finder – a directory for therapy services.  http://www.therapistfinder.com

Name That Place

A pub is short for public house. It is a place where drinks are sold to be consumed on the premises.
A Tavern is a place where alcohol is served with food.
A Bar is pretty much synonymous with pub, however it also refers to a long bar at which stools are arranged for sitting.
A Saloon is a room with tables where drinks are served rather than at the bar.

A pub, bar and saloon are almost the same thing. All bars are pubs, not all pubs are bars. All saloons are pubs, not all pubs are saloons. Let's go have a drink.

Lost Cell Phone

A lost or stolen phone can be a real pain, but there is an application called phonefinder from Google Maps that might help. You borrow a friend's phone and call a number that turns on your phone ringer and transmit the GPS location to the phone you are calling from. Here is the LINK

Jun 4, 2010


Flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication  is the act of describing something as worthless. Here it is used in a sentence. I loved her in spite of her floccinaucinihilipilification of money. At least one former reader of Friday Thoughts described it that way, but he was Floccinaucinihilipilificated.

We Have It All Wrong

It costs more to send someone to jail than it does to send them to school. Maybe we should keep kids in school.

Breathable Chocolate

The answer to a chocoholic's prayers is a sweet treat in a single puff that provides all the joy without all the guilt. Le Whif is a lipstick-shaped aerosol packed with tiny particles of dark chocolate and no calories.

Dieters may find the mere smell of chocolate is enough to curb the appetite. When you breath it in, it dissolves immediately and coats your tongue and taste buds. The  particles are small enough to become airborne, but too big to enter the lungs or do any damage.

The inhalers cost £1.99 each and come in three chocolate flavors, plain, raspberry, and mint. Not sure when they will be available in the US.

Who Lies More

British men are more likely to tell lies than British women and feel less guilty about it, says the results of a poll of 3,000 people. Researchers found that the average British man tells three lies every day, that's equivalent to 1,092 a year. The average women lies about twice a day for 728 times a year.

Twenty-five per cent of men say they lied to their mother, but only twenty percent of women admit to having lied to their mum.

Seems like half the lies are used by both, as the bold ones below.

Men's most used lies -

1. I didn't have that much to drink
2. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine
3. I had no signal
4. It wasn't that expensive
5. I'm on my way
6. I'm stuck in traffic
7. No, your bum (butt) doesn't look big in that
8. Sorry, I missed your call
9. You've lost weight
10. It's just what I've always wanted

Women's most used lies -

1. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine
2. I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it
3. It wasn't that expensive
4. I didn't have that much to drink
5. I've got a headache
6. It was in the sale
7. I'm on my way
8. Oh, I've had this ages
9. No, I didn't throw it away
10. It's just what I've always wanted