Apr 26, 2011

Cuss to Ease the Pain

No need to feel bad about it, says a 2-year-old study from the journal NeuroReport that's been making the rounds this week. Swearing actually helps reduce the pain you feel.

Researchers from Keele University in Staffordshire, England, asked test subjects to put their hands in icy cold water, and see how long they could stand to keep them immersed. (This is a common practice to test pain, because it leaves no mark and does no physiological harm.)

They then had the study participants either say a swear word or a neutral word. They found that those who invoked foul language were able to withstand the pain better than those who kept it clean.

The researchers think that swearing induces a flight-or-fight response, and thus, "nullifies the link between fear of pain and pain perception."

This doesn't mean you should let loose indiscriminately, though. The effect worked best for people who did not swear often.

Apr 22, 2011

Happy Friday

The spoken word, past life, and neglected opportunity can not be called back.

Speaking in the present, I live for the opportunity to have a Happy Friday!

Fun Uses for Eggs

This is the time of year we all think about eggs, like decorating eggs with and for the children, deviled eggs, Easter egg hunts, and more. Eggs are very versatile and there are a number of uses for eggs that are worth mentioning, such as using eggs for shampoo and face cleaner.

Egg whites can be used in place of white glue for children's projects. Egg whites can be mixed with the other ingredients to make paper mache.

Cascarones, pronounced kas-ka-ron-ez, are a Mexican tradition used for Easter and other celebrations. It is an egg shell filled with confetti used to crack over someone's head and shower them with the confetti inside. Great fun and and always a surprise.

The Japanese are masters at carving intricate designs and pictures in egg shells, while the Ukrains dye elaborate designs using wax and dye.

How about a plant starter. cut the tops off of egg shells and put them back in the carton. Fill with potting soil, add a seed, some water, and you have useful plant starters, complete with tray.

If you have way too much time or way too much money, you can make or buy a Faberge egg.
There are thousands of other uses, but thought i would provide a few, just for fun.
A school in Seattle this year had the political audacity to call Easter eggs, 'spring spheres'. It didn't work, when the person brought in eggs, the children all said, "oh, Easter eggs." Eggzactly!

Talk Like Shakespeare Day

To be or not to be a fun day, that is the question. Have some fun tomorrow because it is William Shakespeare's 447th birthday on April 23, 2011, Talk Like Shakespeare Day is a day on which all citizens are encouraged to express their inner thespian, incorporating Shakespearean lines into everyday conversation. It was started in 2009 in Chicago. Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. . .  Make someone smile.

Bacon Lovers Food

Easter or not, what goes better with eggs than bacon. You know you like it. In fact, you love it. Here is something called the Bacon Explosion. Only 5,000 calories per log.

It is made of Kansas City style sauce rubbed Italian sausage, smoked slowly over hickory and oak wood and stuffed with bacon, then wrapped in bacon. There are variations, such as JalapeƱo or Cheese. All are served on a big hot dog bun. For desert, you can have some chunks of crispy chocolate covered bacon in maple syrup ice cream.  If you don't want to make your own, you can buy online at this LINK. Mmmm!

Google Body

Google Body is a detailed 3D model of the human body. You can peel back anatomical layers, zoom in, click to identify anatomy, or search for muscles, organs, bones and more.    LINK

Airplane Facts

95% of people involved in airplane crashes do survive.
Popular Mechanics reviewed data of every commercial crash between 1971 and 2005 and discovered that those sitting in the tail had a 40% higher chance of survival.
Your blood alcohol level doesn't actually change when in the air. The difference is that you might feel drunker because of lower quantities of oxygen and a pressurized cabin.
Cell phones do not harm instruments, Federal Communications Commission bans them from planes, because when used in the air they can bounce along many towers on the ground and stop other calls from going out. Some airlines in Europe are now allowing the use of cell phones in the cabin.

University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute concluded that driving is far more dangerous than flying. According to their calculations, driving the equivalent distance of a flight poses a 65 times higher injury risk than flying in a commercial airplane.
There has actually been a 65% jump in the number of birds hitting engines, and it is an immediate and great concern for the Federal Aviation Administration. Engines can only handle birds that are about 4 lbs,

Alamo and Red Baron

This week In 1836, Texas forces under Sam Houston with the battle cry, "Remember the Alamo!" defeated the army of Mexican Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at San Jacinto, Texas, opening the path to Texas independence.

This week in 1918, German World War I flying ace, Manfred von Richthofen, known as "The Red Baron," was killed by Allied fire over Vaux-sur-Somme, France.

Historic Panoramas

For the history buffs in the crowd, this site has some great shots of historic sites. LINK  

Sites include things like Daniel Boone's gravesite, Davy Crockett's childhood home, Abraham Lincoln sites, Appomattox, where the end of Civil War papers were signed, etc. Interesting stuff.