Oct 17, 2014

Dull, Bland, and Boring

Elizabeth Leighton of Aberfeldy, Scotland proposed a pairing of the Scottish town of Dull while passing through Boring, Oregon on a cycling holiday. Boring has a population of 12,000. Dull has a population of about 84.

During 2013, Dull entered into another partnership with the Australian town Bland. Seems the residents of Bland Shire in New South Wales want to cash in on humorous publicity by creating a trinity with Dull and Boring. Bland has a population of about 6,000.

Dull's name is thought to have come from the Gaelic word for meadow, but others have speculated it could be connected to the Gaelic word "dul" meaning snare. Bland was named after William Bland, the first person in the Australian Medical Association and was transported to Australia as a convict after he killed a man in a duel in Bombay. Boring was named after one of its first residents, W.H. Boring, a farmer and Union veteran who moved to Oregon after the Civil War.

Nutella Facts

Nutella is a great tasting spread. The chocolaty nut spread was thought of as a great substitute for peanut butter, but a recent study found out it is not much different.

One tablespoon of Nutella contains 100 calories, 6 grams of fat, and 11 grams of sugar. One tablespoon of peanut butter has 94 calories, 8 grams of fat, 1.48 grams sugar. Generic cake frosting has 75 calories, 3 grams of fat, and 7.5 grams of sugar.

Bacon Brain Building

Bacon is full of an important nutrient called choline, which helps increase intelligence and memory and has been shown in University studies to help fight off the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s Disease and other chronic mental impairments. Bacon helps me to remember to eat more #bacon.

Free Friday Smile

Oct 10, 2014

Happy Friday

“Life is sweet when you pay attention. When it doesn't seem sweet, put a sticker on your nose and do a funky dance.” Whitney Scott

I have a sticker on my nose and am doing a happy dance on this Happy Friday!

Happy Columbus Day

Monday is Columbus Day for most of the US, but Seattle, WA., will be holding its first Indigenous Peoples' Day. It makes little difference as Columbus Day is not an official holiday in Washington. A councilman said it is,  "About taking a stand against racism." An opposing lawyer said people of Italian descent are "deeply offended." "By this resolution you say to all Italian-Americans that the city of Seattle no longer deems your heritage or your community worthy of recognition." Seems like politics never takes a holiday.

Bacon's Blood Balancing Bounty

Several university and medical center studies have shown that including bacon as a regular, moderate part of one’s diet naturally works to lower the body's blood pressure and blood sugar levels, helping to prevent and / or alleviate the effects of diabetes, as well as heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.

Tips, Tipsy, Tipple, and Wingtips

The etymology of these words is a bit different than the generally accepted (although incorrect) stories that they come from acronyms.

Tip does not come from 'to insure prompt service'. It dates back to the 1600s and meant to give a small present of money. It was also used in thieves jargon about the same time, meaning 'to give, hand, or pass'. The meaning 'give a gratuity to' is first documented in the early 1700s. The incorrect acronym story came from an editorial in "Life" magazine from July 15, 1946, claiming the restaurant server's word tip "probably comes from a London coffeehouse custom of two centuries ago when the words 'To Insure Promptness' were written on notes to the waiter, with coins attached.

Tipsy comes from another definition of tip, from the 1300s meaning 'to knock down, topple, or knock askew'. Possibly from Scandinavian tippa 'to tip, dump'. Tipsy-cake from the 1800s was stale cake saturated with wine or liquor.

Tipple dates back to the 1500s, meaning 'sell alcoholic liquor by retail'. It is possibly from a Scandinavian source tipla 'to drink slowly or in small quantities'. The meaning of 'drink (alcoholic beverage) too much' is found in the 1550s. A tippler is a seller of alcoholic liquors.

Wingtips are totally unrelated to the above discussion, except that many businessmen who wear these shoes with a back-curving toe cap suggestive of a bird's wingtip often tipple after work and are tipsy by the time they go home.

A Few Drinking Terms

Speaking of tipsy, here are a few more booze related terms. Two old words that I miss.

GROG-BLOSSOM, A word from the 18th century for the dilation of blood vessels caused by long-term over consumption of the drink—in an alcoholic's nose.

CRAPULENCE, This word, from the Latin root crapula, arose in the 18th century. It denoted intestinal and cranial distress arising from intemperance and debauchery. Put another way: If you get drunk, expect crapulence.