Since it is the day before International
Bacon Day, thought it would be appropriate to discuss eggs. Hens lay
eggs whether they have mated with a rooster or not. Eggs produced
without help from a rooster will never become a chicken. These
become our breakfast eggs.
A hen must mate with a rooster in order for her egg to contain both
the male and female genetic material necessary to create an embryo
inside the egg. An egg laid after mating may or may not become a
Chickens develop only from eggs that have been incubated (heated).
When a fertile egg is incubated under precise, steady temperatures
and humidity levels for 21 days, a chick may be developed.
A fertile egg that is never incubated will never contain an embryo
and will never look like anything other than common breakfast food.
In fact, we all likely have eaten fertilized eggs. There is no harm
and we cannot tell the difference between fertilized and
unfertilized eggs, unless the fertilized eggs have been properly
incubated. There is no difference in look, taste, or nutritional
value between fertilized and unfertilized eggs. All foods,
including eggs go well with bacon.