Aug 30, 2014

Free Hearing Test

Here is a site that offers a free minimal hearing test. Came across it while reading about free smartphone apps that are said to deter mosquitoes by putting out a high pitched sound from your phone that humans cannot hear. Further reading debunked those apps as useless.

Turn up your speakers. LINK

Labor Day

Labor Day is annually held on the first Monday of September in the US, Canada. The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882. In many countries, it is celebrated around May 1 and called May Day. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations' contributions. It is a mostly day of rest in modern times.


Only 19 now

Aug 22, 2014

Happy Friday

What we read with inclination makes a much stronger impression.

What we do with inclination makes for a stronger impression of a Happy Friday!

Opt Out

There is a web site that will scare the heck out of you, but will also help you. The ad industry website for opting out of ads from multiple companies goes a long way to keep companies from dropping cookies on your computer, then bombarding you with ads that have become more and more personalized to you. Increasingly, these companies also track your location, contacts, calls, texts, etc., through your smartphone. Check what an app can look at each time before you agree to download. (If it wants access to your contact list, please remove me or change my name to John Doe.) If you like these ads, skip to the next topic.

If you do not like ads, go to the site using the link below and follow the instructions to opt out. These are only the specific companies that target ads to you, based on your cookies. Other companies that do not directly target can be eliminated through various add-ons to your particular browser. In my case, I had only one company showing, although 117 companies were participating. My browser is so locked down, I usually do not see any ads on most pages, but I am vigilant with my lockdown practices. After opting out, a few of the companies added a preference in my browser to not show me ads. LINK

My mother used to tell me that too many cookies were not good for me. Now I understand she must have meant both physical and electronic.

Another Salt Study

Adding to the library of salt studies is yet a new one which again finds that salt is not that bad and that too little salt may be as bad for us as too much salt. The same can be said for calories or carbohydrates.

More than 100,000 people from the general public in 17 countries were observed for nearly four years and sodium levels were determined from urine tests. The researchers found people who consume 3 to 6 grams of sodium a day (salt contains about 39% sodium by weight) had the lowest risk of heart problems or death from any cause. About three-fourths of the world's population is in the ideal range, including the US, which averages 4 grams a day salt consumption.

The new study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests the US's daily consumption of about 3,400 milligrams is not only perfectly fine, but may be healthier than abstaining. It suggests eaters should shoot for between 3,000 and 6,000 mg of salt each day. Dr. Suzanne Oparil, a cardiologist at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, who wrote an editorial accompanying the publication, added, "Japan, one of the highest salt consumers, has one of the longest lifespans."

Table salt also contains iodine, and desiccants to keep it from clumping. Sodium is essential for human nutrition, but too much sodium or too little sodium raises health risks. Sodium levels generally correlate with the risk of high blood pressure, but correlation (are related) is not causality (one causes the other). Chlorine is also important to overall health. Our bodies, like salt water swimming pools separate sodium from chlorine for use.

Potassium, found in vegetables and fruits appears to lower blood pressure and heart risks, and offsets sodium's effect. Potatoes, bananas, avocados, leafy greens, nuts, apricots, salmon, and mushrooms are high in potassium.

Determining that worldwide deaths are caused by one ingredient, without relation to complete diet, or other factors, is like saying global warming is caused only by CO2, or that drinking only diet soda makes us fat.

As with all studies, results 'should be taken with a grain of salt'. Reducing or increasing one item from the panoply of food we ingest is interesting fodder for highly funded studies, but taking results too seriously can be hazardous to our health.

Three Quick Hacks

Put a few of those small ketchup packs in the freezer. They stay soft and can be used for small bruises or bumps.

Use the microwave to soften some chocolate in an ice cube tray, then add strawberries for an easy and clean way to make chocolate covered strawberries with no mess (not as pretty, but taste just as good).

If you mix a tablespoon of vanilla extract to a gallon of paint, the smell will be much more pleasant and it will not change the color of the paint.

Internet Radio

Many of us think the radio is for the car, or background music while at home, but do not think of listening to the radio on the Internet. Some internet radio stations require free signup, some require nothing but your ears. Since these are Internet based, they are available on your PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. A few require an app for your phone, but most are just available as a web site.

Below are a few free (most accept donations) stations you can tune into while derping around the net. You can find many more by Googling "Internet Radio Stations."

Many genres available, but some have commercials embedded -

Large collection of stations -

Smartphone favorite -

Very cool option to check real radio stations that also broadcast live. Check by hometown, country, or genre.

Was going to add links to specific stations, but thought why limit you to my musical proclivities. Enjoy!

Wordology, Cappuccino

Espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam are ingredients for making a cappuccino. Cappuccino comes from German/Austrian 'kapuziner', and is the diminutive form of cappuccio in Italian, meaning 'hood' or something that covers the head, thus 'cappuccino' reads 'small capuchin'. The Capuchin monks of the 16th century, an offshoot of the Franciscan Catholic order wear long and pointy hoods, known as capuche. The monks subsequently received a formal nickname, Capuchin, for their hoods. The color of cappuccino resembles the brown shade of the hoods and thus the naming of the coffee drink.

Cappuccino differs from latte in size. Cappuccino is traditionally small while latte traditionally is large. Latte is often served in a large glass and cappuccino mostly in a cup with a handle. Here is some Java Jive music to listen to while sipping your cappuccino.