May 25, 2018

Passport vs. Visa

A passport serves two purposes: to regain entry to the country of citizenship (i.e. the United States) and is a requirement by many countries to gain entry to the country you are visiting.

A travel visa can be a stamp or sticker placed by officials of a foreign country on a passport that allows the bearer to visit that country.

Visas are obtained from the proper embassy or local consulates of the country to be visited. Visit is defined as the reason for entry, usually business, tourist or transitory. There are over 270 countries that offer travel visas and literally thousands of different types of visas available based upon country, type of visit, and length of visit. A travel visa is an official government document that temporarily authorizes you to be in the country you are visiting. There are about 185 different types of visas.

There are two main categories of US visas:  Non-immigrant visa - for temporary visits such as for tourism, business, work, visiting family, or studying. Immigrant visa - for people to immigrate to the United States.

Technologically Obsolete

One of the first things predicted with the advent of the computer age was eliminating paper. It stands out as one of the greatest prediction blunders. We continue to produce tons of paper. In fact computers created a great surge in the use of paper. Other items have come and gone in short order and many of the following items have been invented, rose, and have fallen out of widespread use during our lifetimes. Some, such as cable TV have become victims of their own success. Here are a few completely or virtually obsolete inventions many of us have known and loved - or hated:

  • Backing up to floppy disk or CD
  • Calculators
  • Calling 411 to find a restaurant or store
  • Cathode ray tube monitors and TVs
  • Tethered computer terminals
  • Dial up internet service
  • Eight track tape
  • Encyclopedia sets and dictionaries
  • Fold up maps and road atlas books
  • Separate GPS devices
  • Movie rental stores (like Blockbuster)
  • Paid e-mail accounts
  • Personal digital assistant (like Palm Pilot)
  • Personal online privacy
  • Phone Books
  • Non-jet commercial planes
  • Punch tape, paper tape, and punched cards
  • Typewriters (manual and electric)
  • Black and white TV
  • VCR (videocassette recorder).
Other items that are on the brink of going away include:

  • Cable TV
  • Physical cables to deliver cable TV (to be replaced by WiFi)
  • Camera (non-digital)
  • CDs (compact disks)
  • Newspaper and magazine classified adds
  • Fax Machines (except in medical field)
  • Getting film developed
  • Landline phones
  • Tower PCs (vs laptops)
  • Public pay phones and phone booths
  • Record stores.

Other things we wish would go away include the myriad types of non-standard cables, all cables with big bricks (baluns) at the end, and sticking a needle in us to deliver medicine. Things we wish will never go away include hugs and kisses and smiles. . . oh, and bacon.

8K TV is Coming

Speaking of obsolete, even though many do not yet have 4K TVs, 8K sets are coming this year. Sharp began shipping the world's first commercially available 8K monitor, the 70-inch, 7,680 by 4,320 Aquos LV-70X500E.
85,000 8K sets are likely to be sold worldwide during 2018 compared to 98.4 million 4K sets. NHK in Japan has committed to inaugurating an 8K channel on December 1, 2018 with thousands of hours of programming. South Korea has already deployed the NextGen 4k TV over antennas in that country and produced the Olympics for the rest of the world in 4K. It was available in the US, but cable companies could not broadcast it in 4K.

The World Cup, Wimbledon, and the Premier Football League are all distributed in 4K. However, we in the US are stuck with "selected holes" at the Masters Tournament shown in 4K.

8K monitors will also be available in the US at the end of the year from a variety of other brands. TCL announced its intention to unveil its own 8K TV at the 2017 IFA show in Berlin. It is likely that all the major Chinese TV brands will show their own 8K models at IFA 2018 and at CES 2019 in January.

The US severely lags the rest of the world and US cable companies still are forcing us to show 720p pictures on our 1080p and 4K TV sets. The good news is that the newer 1080p and 4K smart TVs use software to greatly enhance the crappy 720p pictures and virtually no 720p TVs are being sold these days.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world has moved on. If it were not for Netflix, Amazon Video, Directtv, YouTube, and Blu-ray, many in the US would not even know the beauty of 4K, and the world is already moving beyond it to 8K. Maybe I need a chill pill for pixel envy.

Well, Pinch My Bum

How many names can one holiday have? Quite a few, such as Restoration Day, Oak Apple Day, or Royal Oak Day. It was an English public holiday, observed annually on 29 May, to commemorate the restoration of the English monarchy in May 1660. It is also known as Shick Shack Day, Oak and Nettle Day, Bumping Day, and Pinch-bum Day. Each group seems to have their own name and as many ways to celebrate the English monarchy.

May 18, 2018

Happy Friday

You do not need teeth to smile, just a happy thought.

It is easy to have happy thoughts, especially on a Happy Friday!

Google Tricks

Type “Do a Barrel Roll” (without quotes) in your search bar and hold your desk for a second as this will give a circular roll off your screen. A few more to try, "space", "gravity", "underwater". Fun stuff to keep you from doing your work.

Tonsils and Adenoids

Technically, there are three sets of tonsils: the pharyngeal tonsils, commonly known as adenoids, the palatine tonsils, and the lingual tonsils. People refer to tonsils usually as the palatine tonsils, which are oval, pea-sized clusters of lymph cells at the opening of either side of the throat. Their role is to filter bacteria and viruses and produce white blood cells and antibodies. Tonsils are the first line of defense as part of the immune system.

Adenoids or pharyngeal tonsils are clusters of lymphatic tissue in the back of the nose, above the roof of the mouth. They begin to shrink by age 7 or 8, are barely visible by the late teens, and completely gone by adulthood. Adenoids are covered with cilia and mucus. The small hairs wave about to spread mucus, which is carried to the stomach by swallowing. The purpose of the mucus is to capture infectious bacteria, dust, and other particles and flush them away.

Bottom line, all adenoids are tonsils, but not all tonsils are adenoids.

Wordology, Hoi Polloi

This term is used to mean two completely different things. Originally it came from the Greek and is a transliteration of the Greek for 'the many'. So, it means the masses, the ordinary folks, the general populace, and usually it is usually meant as derogatory. However, it also has a second meaning. According to Merriam Webster it also means people of distinction, or wealth, or elevated status.

I checked a few dictionaries and found the first definition, but the second seems limited to Merriam Webster. Incidentally, the hoi polloi is actually redundant, as hoi means the, so the hoi polloi literally would mean the the masses.

Top Ten Websites in US

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Skin Printer

Wow, 3D printing is getting interesting. A handheld skin printer is like a magic wand for healing flesh wounds. It acts like tape used for correcting a writing error. It can produce a sheet of skin tissue to cover a wound. University of Toronto engineers have developed a 3D skin printer that can apparently, form tissue in situ, depositing and setting in place, within two minutes or less.

This could serve as a future alternative to regular skin grafts. However, instead of first requiring that a patient has healthy skin removed to be grafted elsewhere, this device can roll out a new layer of bio ink-based, 3D-printed skin tissue.

It is portable and weighs just over 2 pounds and has already been shown to function when patching up both rats’ and pigs’ wounds. The team is currently conducting wound-healing experiments to benchmark their approach against established alternatives.

Wikipedia Hack

Enter a search for month and year and it will return world news for that month. Try it for your birthday. Try it for a family member or friend who is having a birthday, print it out and give it to them as an interesting gift.

The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, says that some years the most births occur during July or September. Worldwide birth statistics vary with climates and cultural factors that influence the timing of conceptions and births.

Incidentally, in the US, February is the month with the least births and August has the most.+

Happy Songs

Current hit songs in the UK are happier, more danceable, and more likely to be sung by women than songs which fail to make it to the charts. Songs were considered successful if they made it into Top 100 charts.

The new 2018 study, based on 500,000 songs released in Britain between 1985 and 2015, found that as happy music declined, so did the popularity of songs sung by men.
The study analyzed the sound characteristics of popular tracks, but not their lyrics.

It also discovered trend that there is less happy music, while people clearly prefer happy music. "More and more unhappy songs are being released each year," a research team from the University of California Irvine reported in the journal Royal Society Open Science. Overall, they found that happiness in music has declined, while sadness increased during the last 30 years.

However, hit tunes defy the trend, and tend to be much happier than unsuccessful tunes.

May 11, 2018

Happy Friday

Desire, admire, and inspire happiness.

I always desire, admire, inspire, and require happiness, especially on a Happy Friday!

Mattress Cleaner

A quick way to clean the upper layer of your mattress is with a spray consisting of one part alcohol mixed with two parts water. Vacuum your mattress and then spray it with the alcohol solution and let it dry. The alcohol will disinfect the upper layer and kill any bacteria that are making it smell bad. If you have any essential oils handy, put a few drops in the solution to also make it smell fresher.

Incidentally, there are not pounds of dead mites and skin on the mattress. LINK