Jul 29, 2019

Interesting Mosquito Facts

We are in the season, so thought some juicy tidbits might be in order. Of the 3,000 species of mosquitoes around the world, at least 150 are found in the United States, and 85 of those can be found in Texas.
The female mosquitoes, which are the ones that sting and suck blood, are the transmitter of disease, and the deadliest animals in the world. Each year, the malaria parasites they transmit kill 2 million to 3 million people and infect another 200 million or more. They also spread pathogens that cause yellow fever, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya, and West Nile disease.
Not every species of mosquito sucks blood from people, and among those that do, not every one transmits disease. Males live entirely on nectar and other plant fluids, and the females’ diet is primarily plant-based, too. Most of the time, they only go after people when they are ready to reproduce, because blood contains lipids, proteins, and other nutrients needed for the production of eggs.
What you see sticking out of a mosquito’s face is the labium, which sheaths the mouth parts that really do all the work. The labium bends back when a mosquito bites, allowing these other parts to pass through its tip and do their thing. The sharp, pointed mandibles and maxillae, which both come in pairs, are used to pierce the skin, and the hollow hypopharynx and the labrum are used to deliver saliva and draw blood, respectively.
The saliva that gets pumped out from the hypopharynx during a bite is necessary to reduce our blood’s tendency to clot. It contains a number of chemicals that suppress vascular constriction, blood clotting, and platelet aggregation.

An old wife's tale is that you can flex a muscle close to the bite site or stretch your skin taut so the mosquito cannot pull out its proboscis and your blood pressure will fill the bug until it bursts. The consensus among entomologists is that this is nonsense.

Elections Interference

Trying to influence elections goes back a long way in the US. During 1757 George Washington stood for election to the House of Burgesses representing Frederick County, Virginia. He won only 40 votes out of more than 580 cast by the male landowners of the jurisdiction, an embarrassing defeat.

According to his close aide and political adviser at the time, his defeat was caused in part, by his failure to provide suitable liquid refreshment to voters, an oversight which his opponents took advantage of. Washington, who had publicly avowed that he would never stoop to such underhanded tactics, reconsidered his position during the election of 1758. He directed his friend and adviser, Colonel James Wood of the Virginia Colonial militia, to ensure potential supporters were better treated.
Washington purchased rum, whiskey, wine, beer, and hard cider, according to his own account books, spending the equivalent of about $9,000. His supply included nearly 50 gallons of beer, a like amount of wine, three full barrels of rum (over 100 gallons) and a half-pint of brandy, presumably for his own consumption.
In winning he received nearly 400 votes, though the exact count varies depending on the source, and his alcohol supply ensured there was at least a half-gallon of libations for each Washington supporter available at the polling site.

He never again lost an election, though he never again needed to ply his supporters with liquids to achieve success. It should be noted that juicing the voters was a common practice during the 18th century, and one reason why sales of alcohol were for many years in America proscribed while the polls were open.

Jul 20, 2019

Happy Friday

You cannot learn a deep appreciation of happiness if you do not dive in.

I always dive in to appreciate a Happy Friday!

Historical Facts and Time Perception

When we think of historical facts, we often confuse the sequence of events in history.
The Coliseum in Rome, Italy, was unveiled in 80 A.D., about the same time the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible were written.
Oxford University in England was created before the emergence of the Aztec Empire in modern Mexico.
Tiffany & Company is older than the nation of Italy. The Italian Republic did not happen until 1861 and Tiffany was founded in 1837.
The Titanic sank the same month that Boston’s Fenway Park opened during 1912 and the same year vitamins and Oreos were invented.

The fax machine was invented the same year the first wagon crossed the Oregon Trail in 1843.
The Brooklyn Bridge was being built during the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.
Nintendo was founded when Jack the Ripper was still on the loose in 1889.
Buffalo Bill Cody was alive at the same time the Germans were bombing with Zeppelins in 1916.

Cowboy Wyatt Earp was a movie consultant in his later years and knew William S. Hart, Tom Mix, Charlie Chaplin, Jack London, and more. He died in 1929.

Marilyn Monroe, Chuck Berry, Queen Elizabeth, Don Rickles, and Fidel Castro were born the same year in 1926.
Prisoners arrived at Auschwitz just days after the original McDonald's was founded in May, 1940.

The guillotine was still in use when Jimmy Carter was President of the United States, the year the first Star Wars was released, the year Charlie Chaplin Died, and Apple was incorporated. The last person was beheaded by the device in France during 1977.
The first man to achieve powered flight lived to see it accomplished at speeds faster than sound. Orville Wright lived until 1948, a year after a plane passed the speed of sound during 1947, and a few years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed in 1945.
The last eligible Civil War widow and American pensioner from the Civil War died in 2008. Pensions payable to surviving children and their spouses continued until at least 2017. That means the United States was continuing to incur costs related to the Civil War over 150 years after it ended.
Woolly mammoths were still roaming the earth when the pyramids were built at Giza. The great mammals coexisted with humans for several thousand years and the date of their final demise is several centuries after the construction of the pyramids.

Americans were on the moon in July, 1969, before women in Switzerland were allowed to vote in October, 1969.

Cure Brain Freeze

According to Johns Hopkins University, a bout of radiating pain in your head after eating cold food is known as cold neuralgia or sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. It is likely caused by your body entering survival mode when it detects a freezing temperature on the roof of the mouth: our system constricts blood vessels in the palate to preserve our core temperature. When they rapidly open back up, a pain signal is sent to the brain via the trigeminal nerve. Since that nerve leads directly to the midface and forehead, your face bears the brunt of the referred pain from the mouth.

A brain freeze typically lasts less than five minutes, but when your head is throbbing, that can feel like forever. To minimize the pain, the best strategy is to warm the palate up. You can do this by pressing your tongue or a thumb against the roof of your mouth, by drinking a warm liquid, or both. Covering your face and breathing into your hands can also warm the air inside your mouth that was chilled by the ice cream.

Wordology, Eke

If we see the word eke these days, it is when we "eke out" a living, but it comes from an old verb meaning to add, supplement, or grow. It is the same word that gave us eke-name for additional name, which later became nickname.


During May, 2019 robocallers rang Americans' smartphones an estimated 4.7 billion times, according to YouMail, a company that makes an app that helps users block suspected spam calls. That is nearly double the amount from two years ago, reflecting the extent to which fraudsters have outwitted carriers such as AT&T and Verizon, lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the government's chief robocall cops, including the Federal Communications Commission.

At Tufts Medical Center, administrators registered more than 4,500 robocalls between about 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. on April 30, 2018.

Testifying in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, it stressed robocalls represent a "serious threat" to the Tampa-based facility, which serves more than 60,000 patients each year. Over a 90-day period, robocallers rang more than 6,600 times using numbers that mimicked its own, which it estimated had consumed 65 hours of hospital response time. That came in addition to about 300 robocalls that appeared to be coming from numbers affiliated with the U.S. Department of Justice. Callers sought to swindle physicians into surrendering critical information that might make it easier for scammers to obtain prescription drugs fraudulently.

Robocall Popular Area Codes

The list from the app HIYA shows popular area codes and number of unwanted calls. Looks like Texas is popular.

area code, area code region, estimated unwanted calls
214 Dallas, TX 210,590,643
817 Fort worth, TX 177,353,949
210 San Antonio, TX 167,494,351
512 Austin, TX 141,493,980
832 Houston, TX 125,617,537
404 Atlanta, GA 104,613,003
205 AL 98,239,446

Veggie Cutting Tip

Place your cutting board in a sheet pan to keep your table clean when dealing with messy veggies.

Five Canadian Inventions

Here are a few things many do not know were invented in Canada.
Peanut Butter - Although American agricultural pioneer George Washington Carver is often credited for inventing peanut butter, the first patent for the spreadable substance was actually given to Montreal, Canada’s Marcellus Gilmore Edson in 1884.
IMAX - Canadian filmmakers Graeme Ferguson and Roman Kroitor first pioneered the technology of high-resolution images on huge screens at Montreal’s Expo ’67.
Hockey Mask - No surprise with this one. The hockey mask, which has helped keep many a goaltender’s face intact, was first worn regularly by Montreal Canadiens player Jaques Plante in 1959.
World Time Zones - Canadian railroad engineer Sandford Fleming came up with the idea of creating 24 time zones across the entire globe, which would form “international standard time.” In 1884 at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, D.C., his ideas were eventually adopted worldwide.

Trivial Pursuit - During 1979, Montreal Gazette picture editor Chris Haney and sports journalist Scott Abbott came up with Trivial Pursuit, which became the biggest phenomenon in game history, with over 100 million copies of the game sold.

Making with Steel

Interesting short video. LINK

Sashimi vs. Sushi

Sashimi is thinly sliced raw meat, usually fish, such as salmon or tuna, that is served without rice. Sashimi always contains fresh raw meat or seafood. Sashi mi ("pierced flesh" in Japanese).

Sushi is not raw fish, but rather vinegared rice that is mixed with other ingredients, which may or may not include raw fish. Raw fish is one of the traditional ingredients in sushi, but it may also be made without meat or with cooked seafood as long as it uses vinegared rice. Sushi ("it is sour" in Japanese).

Jul 12, 2019

Happy Friday

Smiles are beneficial to the body, happiness to the soul.

I keep my body and soul happy with both, especially on a Happy Friday!

National French Fry Day

July 13 National French Fry Day on July 13 is a great opportunity to take the time to sample some golden-brown potato slices. Estimates say Americans eat about 20 to 30 pounds per person per year. survey of 1,000 Americans)


#1: McDonalds (35%)
#2: Chick-fil-A (13%)
#3: Five Guys (12%)
#4: Wendys (11%)
#5: Arbys (11%)