Oct 30, 2015

Boat Truck

Very cool video of special boat truck. Surprise ending, two minutes. LINK

Helpful Happiness Hack

At the end of the day just before you go to bed, write down something good that happened to you, or something that made you happy, or made you smile that day. Put the note where you will find it in the morning as you are getting ready. It also helps if you look in the mirror and smile when you read the note in the morning.

Do this for seven days and you will be at least 20% happier - and it will last for another week, even if you stop doing it.

If you want to stay happy, date the notes and save them. You will be amazed when you go back and look at them, the smallest things keep you happiest the longest.

Cara Mia

Gomez (Bubeleh) Addams' pet name, 'cara mia' for Morticia means 'my beloved'. It is also the title of a song made popular by Jay and Americans. This 2011 update to a 1965 hit from Jay Black, 73 years young then and still making people happy after all these years. LINK

Lasgna vs. Lasagne

North American English speakers use lasagna. English speakers from outside North America usually use lasagne. The word comes from Italian, of course. In that language, lasagna is the singular noun and lasagne is the plural, but this does not carry over into the words’ treatment in English. Both the plural and the singular forms are usually treated as mass nouns, taking singular verbs.

Beer Benefits and Sexual Performance

Moderate beer drinking decreases risk of heart disease by 31 percent (the same as wine). A study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology also found that moderate consumption of beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 41 percent, and is one of the few plant sources of vitamin B12.

It makes you last longer. The phytoestrogens in beer can help delay premature ejaculation.

Dark brews can help get you in the mood better, because they increase both red blood cells and overall circulation. Dark contains more iron than pale beers.

Beer increases stamina and is good for heart health.

Guinness is great for stomach issues, low in calories and alcohol content, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. It contains only 128 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

50 Shades of Green beer is like green juice and Viagra combined. It is specifically engineered to enhance performance. It contains ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and damiana to achieve increased sexual desire, blood flow, and nerve stimulation. Gives a whole new meaning to 'Bottoms up!'


A Grammagram is a word, made of letter sounds which are pronounced aloud. Great way to code things. Here are a few interesting ones:
DEVIOUS - DVS (say each letter quickly D V S)

Weather Patterns

As we begin another change of season, the weather changes dramatically from day to day. Seems like many of us check the weather to see what to wear, should we take an umbrella, etc. The Weather Company owns the fourth-most used mobile app in the U.S., and their cloud handles 26 billion requests a day.

IBM just made a bid to buy the digital assets for a few billion dollars and will feed the info into Watson for even more analysis.  IBM said, "Weather is probably the single largest swing factor in business performance - it impacts 1/3 of the world's GDP and in the US alone; weather is responsible for about half a trillion dollars in impact." Next spring we might see a battle between Punxsutawney Phil and Watson.

Oct 23, 2015

Happy Friday

"Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness." Frank Tyger

I am free to do what I like and I like smiling and celebrating a Happy Friday!

Daylight Saving

"Daylight Savings Time" is incorrect, but is commonly used, especially in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Officially, it is Daylight Saving Time.

The US and Great Britain used DST during World War I and II and reverted to standard time during peace years. It was not until the energy crisis of the 1970s that Daylight Saving Time was made permanent in many areas.

The US Energy Policy Act of 2005 was signed into law on August 8, 2005. Among other things, the Energy Policy Act extended the Daylight Saving Time period by starting DST several weeks earlier (second Sunday in March) and ending it one week later (first Sunday in November).

- Countries and territories which do not observe DST    161, including China
- Countries and territories where at least one location observes DST    79
- Countries and territories where all locations observe DST some part of the year    68
- Countries and territories where many, but not all locations observe DST part of the year    11, including United States
- Countries and territories where at least one location observes DST all year    2

The majority, including Europe end DST on Sunday Oct 25. In the US, it ends 2am Sunday, November 1. Some other countries end it on other dates, such as: March 8, March 22, April 5, April 25, April 26, January 18, February 22, September 22, September 26, October 23, October 30, and November 8. Must be interesting for the global airlines to change the flight times almost monthly for beginning and ending DST.

On 31 October 2007 in a Press Release, Western Power researched and reported DST caused "a 0.6% increase in electricity consumption in Washington's main grid". It also stated that "The daylight saving research showed slightly less power was used on days when the temperature went below 30 degrees, and slightly more power when the temperatures went above 30 degrees."

National Greasy Foods Day

Only in America do we celebrate greasy foods day. It is on Oct. 25. This might be a good day to try something different, like a breakfast dog, with a hotdog topped with a fried egg, bacon, hash browns, and cheese, wrapped in bacon. Time to think outside the box and go crazy for grease. If time change and greasy foods are not enough, October 25 is also Mother-in-Law day.

Visual Puzzle

This one is more simple than meets the eye, but is very interesting about 4 minute video. LINK

Vitamin C Myth

Thought it might be worth replaying this one as this is the beginning of the cold and flu season.

Hundreds of studies have now concluded that vitamin C does not treat the common cold. The results of many studies of various types, involving hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have all arrived at the same conclusion - vitamin C has no effect to prevent or cure colds or cancer.

The FDA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Dietetic Association, the Center for Human Nutrition at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services do not recommend supplemental vitamin C for the prevention or treatment of colds. Vitamin C does have other benefits and the studies did not say vitamin C is bad for you, it just does not provide the cancer and common cold remedies claimed.

Social Media Explained

Social media is now an essential part of doing business. That does not mean you need to be on every social media platform to get results. Ideally, with one or two focused networks, your message can reach your target audience in no time.
The question is which ones to use and how to maximize your visibility.

If you are clear about your social media goals, it will not be a challenge to determine which channels would work best for your business. Thing to keep in mind when you are deciding - Where are your customers? Before you think of creating your business profile on a site, you need to think: Are my customers here? There is much variation in the demographics of social networks and you need to find out where your customers are so you can reach them effectively.

According to a Pew survey in 2015:

  • Facebook has wide, global usage, but fewer young people are staying active.
  • Instagram is a favorite among teens and young adults.
  • Twitter is home to many information junkies and tech savvy people.
  • LinkedIn has higher income, educated professionals.
  • Pinterest has a user base which is 80% female dominated, most of whom have a higher income background.
  • Google+ is a network with a predominantly older male user base.
  • Vine is also a youth oriented platform.
  • YouTube has an equal number of men and women, but men are more active users with wider preferences.
Instagram — art, food, retail, lifestyle
Twitter — news, gossip, tech updates
LinkedIn — B2B, recruitment agencies
Pinterest — Retail, DIY, culinary skills, art
YouTube — Luxury products, DIY, Home improvement, music,
Google+ — SEO, IT

Sushi vs. Sashimi

Sushi means 'sour rice' and does not always feature fish.
Sashimi means 'raw' - but is not just fish.