Sep 11, 2015

Top Ten Books

From the New York Times 2015

41George W. Bush 
10% Happier Dan Harris 
13 Hours Mitchell Zuckoff 
America Dinesh D'Souza 
Blood Feud Edward Klein 
Capital in the Twenty-First Century Thomas Piketty 
David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell 
Duty Robert M. Gates 
Flash Boys Michael Lewis 
Hard Choices Hillary Rodham Clinton 
Humans of New York Brandon Stanton 
Killing Patton Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard 
One Nation Ben Carson with Candy Carson 
The Future of the Mind Michio Kaku
Things That Matter Charles Krauthammer 
Thrive Arianna Huffington 
Uganda Be Kidding Me Chelsea Handler 
Unbroken Laura Hillenb
What If Randall Munroe 
Yes Please Amy Poehler 

Sep 4, 2015

Happy Friday

Life is like a book, it needs a good opener, compelling middle, and appropriate ending.

I always have a compelling day when celebrating a Happy Friday!

Happy International Bacon Day

International Bacon Day or Bacon Day is an unofficial observance held on the Saturday (Tomorrow, Sep 5, 2015) before Labor Day in the United States. Last year Bacon Day was celebrated in the US, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Switzerland, and the UK.

Some groups also celebrate National Bacon Day on December 30. Bacon day celebrations typically include social gatherings during which participants create and consume dishes containing large quantities of bacon, including bacon-themed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and drinks. Yes, I unapologetically celebrate both, because bacon deserves more than one holiday per year.

Happy Labor Day

 Labor Day Labor Day is a US federal holiday and all government offices, schools and organizations and many businesses are closed. Labour Day in Canada is celebrated on the same day. It is traditionally the first Monday of September and was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations' strengths of and contributions to the United States economy. Usually, it is a day of rest in modern times. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events. Why not have a Labor Day and Bacon Day party to celebrate both at the same time. I'll bring the bacon.

Wordology, Used and Used

These two words are a type of heteronym and homograph. They are spelled alike, but are pronounced different and have different meanings.

The first word is an adjective that means previously used or owned, such as a used car. It also means showing wear, as used clothes and utilized for a reason, as an often used tool.

The second definition means accustomed to, and is pronounced yoost, as in, I am not used to being accused.

Pablo Picasso's Real Name

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name after Trinidad is Ruiz and the second or maternal family name is Picasso.)

What's in a Name, Haskell Library

It is a building straddling Vermont, US and Canada border. Step through the front door of the Haskell Library and you are in the United States. Walk across the carpeted floor to the circulation desk and you are in Canada, but if you sit on the couch, you are back in the United States.

The 106-year-old Romanesque building, which straddles the border, has enjoyed an informal immunity from border restrictions through the years.

Medical Errors

The thing we see cited among the top causes of death is medical errors, also known in the literature as “preventable adverse events.” That means when medical personnel do the wrong thing, or fail to do the right thing, or do the right thing, but do it wrong. This can often take the form of misdiagnosis, or miscommunication between various healthcare providers, or between providers and patient. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America.

John Tyler, President

The tenth US president, John Tyler (1841-1845) was the first US born president. He was born in March 29, 1790, in the State of Virginia, US. The treaty of Paris establishing USA as a new country was signed in September 3, 1783. Although the previous presidents were born in what is now the US, it was a British colony until that date.

V8 Juice Ingredients

The eight juices in V8 are tomato, spinach, celery, carrot, beet, lettuce, watercress, and parsley.

Aug 28, 2015

Happy Friday

Happiness is lust in a good way.

I always lust for a Happy Friday!

Google Birthday

Next week September 5, 2015, Google will celebrate its 17th birthday. Seems like the company has been around much longer. It is worth about US $367Billion. In such a few short years, it has profoundly changed the internet and the world. How appropriate to celebrate a birthday on International Bacon Day - Both are ubiquitous.

Flash Drives Getting Smaller

The NAND (not and) flash technology that Toshiba introduced in 1989 (130nm or nanometers), making thumb drives, SSDs, (solid state drive) and smartphone memory, has finally reached a development dead end. Toshiba and other major manufacturers of 15 nm NAND flash are stopping new development and focusing development on 3D NAND.

For comparison, a strand of human DNA is 2.5 nm in diameter, and there are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch. 1 centimeter = 10,000,000 nanometers.

Intel says it will be able to fit 1TB (terabytes) on a card just two millimeters thick in an object half the size of a postage stamp.

A square inch drive with a Terabyte of capacity can contain more bits than the Milky Way has stars (about 200 billion to 400 billion stars as estimated by astronomers). Obviously, when it comes to computers, size matters and smaller is better. Incidentally, My blog spoke of terabytes in 2010 LINK

Nine Old Snack Foods

Marshmallows have been around since ancient Egypt, and were often used to soothe sore throats By the 19th century, French confectioners began whipping the marshmallow to the shape we know.

Pretzels are widely considered to be the world’s oldest snack food It is believed the modern pretzel’s predecessor was first made in the 6th century by an Italian monk, who used it as a treat to reward his youngest church attendees. The word “pretzel” is from the Latin word “pretzola,” which loosely translates to “little reward.”

Archeologists reporting finding popcorn ears that they can date all the way back to being snacked on some 5,600 years ago. Native Americans would throw popcorn ears right on a fire, in order to pop out kernels. ( I bought popping corn ears at Bass Pro and popped in microwave. Fun to watch the thing fill up with popcorn and spill out when the door was opened.)

Necco Wafers were first manufactured in 1847 and Oliver Chase invented a cutting machine that allowed the slices to be made so thin.

Cracker Jack most likely began in 1871 Chicago, IL when German immigrant Frederick William Rueckheim started cooking up and selling his own type of popcorn. By 1896, Cracker Jack was being produced for commercial sales.

In 1897, Pearle Bixby Wait trademarked the powdered gelatin dessert, called Jell-O.

Triscuits were first invented in 1903 in Niagara Falls, NY. Triscuits were originally larger, but shrunk down to their current size in1924.

The first Sunshine Hydrox cookie was made in 1908 and was followed by its Oreo competitor in 1912. The difference between Hydrox and Oreo is that Hydrox is a bit more crispy and less sugary, and the original Hydrox was Kosher.  Hydrox are supposed to become available again this year, but have yet to find them for sale.